Appearances Can Be Deceiving
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"The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus" by Eugene Burnand |
[Jesus said:] “There was a rich man who was
clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at
his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who desired to
be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came
and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to
Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades, being in
torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side.
And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip
the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this
flame.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received
your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is
comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and
you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here
to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ And he said,
‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house—for I have five
brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of
torment.’ But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear
them.’ And he said, ‘No, Father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the
dead, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the
Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the
dead.’” (Luke 16:19-31).
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Appearance. Style. Image. They’re everything in
our world. In debates. At work. In school. Even in the church. Among Christians.
Are you healthy, wealthy, and successful? Is your church growing rapidly? Well
then, God must love you. That’s the popular thinking.
But appearances can be deceiving. Take Lazarus
for example. A beggar. His body riddled with oozing sores. Dogs lick the pus,
and he’s too weak, too depressed, to stop them. He’s an outcast who rummages
through the dumpster, looking for the scraps that have fallen from the table of
the rich and elite.
Does Lazarus look like he’s blessed? No, he
looks like he’s a man to be pitied. He appears
to not be blessed by God. In fact, maybe God doesn’t even like Lazarus too
much. Otherwise, he’d be healthy, wealthy, and prosperous. That’s what the
world would say in a culture where image is everything.
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"The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus" by Eugene Burnand |
Then there’s the rich man. Clothed in purple and fine linen. The ancient Middle Eastern equivalent of Armani suits and custom-tailored silk shirts. His daily menu is nothing short of royalty, either. Sumptuous feasts. Think Caviar. Lobster. Escargot. Filet mignon. Waldorf salads. Trifle and frozen custard. Claret and champagne. From all appearances he seems to be blessed by God.
But appearances can be deceiving. What counts is
what God sees. “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward
appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). What counts is
how these two men stand before Him, from whom nothing can be concealed.
Then comes the great equalizer: Death! Both men
die. Death strips them of their outward appearances. Angels escort Lazarus to
heaven. No more sickness. No shame. No hunger. And the sores are all healed. He’s
given a place at the banquet of salvation right next to Father Abraham. Now we
see Lazarus as he really is. Clothed with the righteousness of his Savior. His
poor life redeemed. He shines in a glory not his own. He is in the presence of
His God and Savior Jesus.
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"The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus" by Eugene Burnand |
Death peels back the veneer of prestige and fortune of the rich man. It unravels the wealth he used to hide his spiritual corruption. Notice, how the rich man is not even named in this parable? And there’s no angelic escort. Jesus simply says: “The rich man also died and was buried.”
Now, the problem with the rich man is not that
he was rich. Being wealthy is not a sin. Neither is being poor and miserable a
virtue, in and of itself. The sin is that the rich man trusted in himself… in
what he had… in what he did.
And so, he ends up in hell. Forever separated
from Jesus. The agony and torment of hell is immense. Never ending regret. Forever
seeking Jesus but having no access to Him. Seeing what could have been and now
can never be. And so, Jesus pictures the rich man looking over that great
divide. That unbridgeable chasm between heaven and hell.
Remarkably, even in hell, the rich man still displays
his arrogance. Wants to use Lazarus as his lackey. “Father Abraham,” he demands,
“send that poor chump Lazarus over here with a drop of water to cool my tongue.
“Sorry Rich Man. I can’t do that. Lazarus is in
Paradise. He’s forever separated from all that would cause him pain.”
“Well, at least send Lazarus to my brothers to
warn them. We don’t want them to end up in hell here with me, do we?”
“You don’t get it, do you, Rich Man? Your
brothers have Moses and the Prophets. They have the Scriptures. They’re read in
worship every Sunday. They proclaim Jesus the Savior. Let them listen to God’s Word
preached in church and they will not end up in hell.”
“Yea, right Abraham! Nobody pays attention to
sermons. Been to church lately? I’ll tell you what. Let’s do a crossing over
thing. If Lazarus returns from the grave, surely my brothers will get religion.
They’ll clean up their life for sure.”
“No way,” is Father Abraham’s icy reply. “No
wonder you’re in hell, Rich Man. The Scriptures plainly proclaim Jesus as the
Savior. The one true God. And guess who did die and came back from the dead? That’s right: Jesus.”
Father Abraham continues: “Moses and the
prophets preached this. But you would not listen. You would not believe. The
prophet Amos warned about your idolatry. Putting all your trust in your possessions,
wealth, and comfort. And one of our Lord’s apostles wrote: ‘For the love of
money is a root of all kinds of evil.’ Rich Man, in this life you appeared to
be blessed. You fooled a lot of people. I heard what they said at your funeral.
But appearances, especially in your case, were deceiving. You’ve wandered from
the faith. You’ve pierced yourself with the eternal grief of hell because you
would not listen to God’s life-giving Word.”
Dear Christian friends, there is a word of
warning here for us. The rich man is anyone who trusts in himself or anything
other than the merits of Christ. If we trust in ourselves, if we believe
ourselves to be self-righteous, we are as lost as this rich man. For the truth
is none of us have anything to offer God.
“We are all beggars before God. This much is
true.” So said Dr. Luther on his death bed. You and I, before God, have
absolutely nothing on our own—nothing but sores and other hideous things that
we just wish we could hide or make go away. We have nothing to hold up before
God. Nothing but sins that show just how poor and miserable we truly are,
lacking any righteousness of our own.
We can’t look up. We can’t do anything but hold
our heads down and hands up in desperate hope that God would have mercy… that
He would help us, forgive us, and save us. And we know without doubt that it is
totally by grace—for we surely deserve nothing but temporal and eternal punishment.
Still, we should not rest on our Lutheran heritage.
We need to watch ourselves, too—because we have a way of saying the right
words: “I’m a poor, miserable sinner,” yet live and speak as though we don’t really
believe it’s true. In the process, we end up emptying those words of real
meaning. “I’m a sinner, Pastor. I know I am, but the problem is (so and so). You
should see what they do. I realize
I’m not perfect, but…” “But”—the chief
tool of excuse making. The verbal eraser that cancels out everything we’ve just
said. And with that little “but” we put our faith and trust in something else
other than the righteousness of Christ.
Beggars don’t even have excuses to cling to. They
are completely empty, devoid of any imagined righteousness of their own. And
they know it. “Mea culpa,” they say. “My
fault. My fault. My own grievous fault.” It’s always their fault. It’s always
their sin. And they are always willing to accept the blame.
Imagine that! Being the one that accepts the blame
rather than pointing a finger at the next guy. That’s what it means to be a
beggar before God!
This text warns us, repeatedly, of sins that
would distract us from God’s Word. It warns us not to trust in ourselves, our own
comfort level, our own self-righteousness, or what we see. It bids us to hear
the Word of God and believe it.
So far, you’ve heard God’s word of Law directed
at the rich man, but it really applies to you, too. Like the rich man, you are also
tempted to trust in appearances. You desire to look for God’s presence in what you
see rather than in His Word. You’re tempted to look for an indication of God’s
favor by the number of your possessions or the level of your comfort or the
status of your health or your level of success. But such signs are no proof of
the Lord’s blessing and approval. There are plenty of people who are blessed by
God with material things, who still do not believe that Christ is risen from
the dead. There are plenty of “good” people who are trusting in their own
filthy rags of righteousness rather than Christ’s perfect robe of righteousness
for their salvation.
But praise the Lord! The Law is not God’s last
Word. Once it has convicted you of your sin, you are ready to hear the Gospel. You
are ready to hear of your Savior who humbled Himself to become a Servant among
Talk about how appearances can be deceiving! God’s
only Son was born to a humble virgin, a manger for his bed. In His ministry, the
Son of Man had no place to call His own. The God-man endured the scorn,
suffering, and shame of those who considered Him to be among the dregs of
society. Christ bore the weight of our guilt and shame and sin to the cross. He
suffered and died for the sins of the world—yours and mine included. Then He came
back from the dead to prove that His Word and promise is true. And now He reigns
over His Church here on earth, despite all appearance to the contrary. Hear His
Gospel now.
Are you afflicted? Troubled? Worried? Sick? Without
comfort? Old Adam will use these things to convince you that God has no love for
you. Your sinful nature will use your exhaustion, hurt, and circumstances to
say that the Lord must be out to get you. But you don’t listen to Old Adam,
your circumstances, or your fatigue to know God’s will. Instead, you listen to
His Word.
God’s Word tells you this: There is no way that
God does not love you or is out to get you. Why? Because of Christ. Out of love
for you, your Savior was afflicted, beaten, and troubled. He bore your sins,
sicknesses, and infirmities all the way to the cross for you. There, God poured
out all His wrath for all your sin. He has no more wrath to pour out upon you
now. He is not punishing you, but disciplining you, patiently teaching you His
way of righteousness as a loving Father instructs his own dear child. “And we
know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those
who are called according to His purpose.”
God has not run out of love for you, nor is He
out to get you. Old Adam will do His best to get you to think so, but Old Adam
wants you to share the same fate as the rich man in the parable. So don’t try
to learn about God from sinful thoughts, temptations, signs, or life conditions.
Learn about Him from His Word. Cling to His promises… even more when you are
afflicted. Because there Christ promises, “I am with you always, even to the
end of the age.”
Do you suffer for the name that you bear… for
being a Christian? A Lutheran who takes doctrine seriously? The world has little
tolerance left for the saving Gospel that Christ has died for the sins of the
world, and that the Holy Spirit works through the means of grace to deliver
forgiveness and faith. If you cling to this Word, you will likely face scorn. You
will likely be made to feel uncomfortable. In fact, I would be more concerned
if you did not suffer some than if you do for the sake of Jesus.
But again, you don’t get your identity from the
world. Because the world rejects Christ and instead looks to endless torment,
it will mock His people. It will seek to make you so uncomfortable to be a
Christian that you decide you’d rather be worldly instead. So don’t listen to
what the world calls you. Cling to the Word, and hear what Jesus calls you. He
calls you His beloved child, for whom He has shed His blood and risen again. He
calls you an heir of heaven. He’s placed His name on you in your baptism, and
He will not let you go. You are not a Christian because of appearance or
because you say you are. No, far better: You are a Christian because Christ says
you are.
Does the world seem to be crashing down around
you, so that there is little good to see? Do you long for a sign of the Lord’s
presence and love? Don’t look too far because the Lord is near to you. Look to
the font and remember that He saved you there. There in the waters of Holy
Baptism, He has quenched the fires of hell for you, marking you as His own, no
matter how little the world esteems you or your Baptism.
Look to the Word, for there He speaks and
strengthens your faith. There, through the mouth of His called and ordained
servant, God speaks His Law, which exposes your sin and calls you to repentance.
There, in His Gospel, you hear that Good News that for Jesus’ sake all your
sins are remembered no more. Cast into the depths of the sea. As far away as
the east is from the west.
Look to the Lord’s Table. To keep you in the
one true faith unto life everlasting, the Lord feeds you with what the world
thinks are only crumbs and a great big nothing… while they feast on the riches
they have piled up for themselves. What the world thinks are crumbs, we poor
Lazaruses confess are the true Body and Blood of Jesus, given and shed for us
for the forgiveness of our sins.
By all appearances, none of these things looks
spectacular or powerful, but by them you have everything you need. There, in
these means of grace, you have the Lord Himself present for your forgiveness, salvation,
and eternal life.
With Jesus you have everything. Your life is
full and complete with Him no matter how sick or poor or unsettled you might
appear in the eyes of the world. You are heirs of heaven. You’re numbered with
Lazarus. One who believed and trusted in Jesus alone. And when you die the
angels will carry you to heaven. You can count on it. You are among God’s elect
children. For you are forgiven of all your sins in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.