The Tree(s) of Life
Click here to listen to this sermon."The Tree of Life" by Marc Chagall
“Then the angel showed
me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne
of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on
either side of the river, the tree of life” (Revelation 22:1-2a).
Grace to you and peace
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Each of the last three
weeks, our Epistle from Revelation has shown us a vision of the new heaven and
earth. In chapter 21, we heard of “the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down
out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (v 1-2).
Last week, John saw “the Bride, the wife of the Lamb” and went on to describe her
beauty and radiance in detail (21:9 ff). Today, the depiction of the new heaven
and earth is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden.
To better understand this
depiction, we go back to Genesis 2, “And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden,
in the east, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground
the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and
good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil” (v 8, 9).
God planted two trees in
the middle of the garden—the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil. Not much is said about the tree of life in Genesis since it never got
to serve the purpose God intended for it. Judging from what God said in Genesis
3:22, its purpose was to confirm Adam and Eve in their physical life. Perhaps
if they had not sinned by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil but had
chosen to eat of the tree of life, they would have lived forever. According to
Revelation 2:7, when we one day live in God’s presence in Paradise, we will eat
of the tree of life, and nothing will interrupt that perfect life.
The second tree mentioned
specifically is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. People who know how
this story comes out have asked: Why did God have to put that tree with the
forbidden fruit in the garden in the first place? Since Adam and Eve weren’t permitted
to eat of its fruit, why put it there at all? Rather than attempting to read God’s
mind, let’s just let the text speak for itself.
“You may surely eat of
every tree of the garden,” the Lord said. Adam had a wide range of foods to
pick from, and the command to abstain from one tree was not burdensome. But God
did make it clear: “Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not
eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
When Adam received this
command from God, He was, in the fullest sense of the term, alive. He was bound
to God by the most intimate bond of love and trust. If Adam refused to obey God,
by that act, he would separate himself from God. That’s death. And as evidence that
man had cut himself off from his Creator, he would then also be subject to
physical death, the separation of body and soul.
Since that tree had
such fateful consequences for Adam and the entire human race, why did God plant
it in the garden? Was it just to test Adam, to see what he would do when facing
temptation? That doesn’t seem right. Genesis 2 speaks of what God did to make
His children happy, and this special tree was no exception.
God never designed human
beings to be puppets or robots whom He regulates by pulling strings or pushing
buttons. You can’t love or be loved by a puppet or a robot! By placing the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden, God was giving Adam the
opportunity to obey God of his own free will. In so doing, God realized the
risk involved, that Adam might choose to disobey Him. God was giving the man a
chance to grow. When God created Adam, he was in a state of innocence. By
giving Adam the command not to eat, God was offering him the opportunity to
progress from created innocence to conscious holiness. God wanted His highest
creature to be holy by choice, not by accident.
Martin Luther used an
illustration that makes God’s intent clear. “This tree of the knowledge of good
and evil was Adam’s church, his altar, his pulpit. Here, he was to yield to God
the obedience he owed, to give recognition to the Word and will of God, to give
thanks to God, and to call upon God for aid against temptation.” That tree in
the middle of the garden was Adam’s place to worship God. He was reminded of
God’s goodness to him. There he could thank God for His mercy. There he could
respond by giving God glad obedience.
The Creator had endowed
Adam with a free will, an inborn freedom to do what pleased God. God wanted him
to exercise that free will. If Adam had, the experience would have produced a
knowledge of good and evil similar to that which God Himself has. Adam’s
intellect would have become more keenly aware of what God wanted and what He
didn’t want. His emotions would have found joy in the Creator’s will and would
have convinced him of what a dreadful thing it would be to rebel against God.
And Adam’s will would have consciously chosen to follow God’s command to have
nothing to do with the forbidden fruit.
Alas, he did not, the
consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin reverberated throughout all of creation to
this very day. The serpent was cursed, the ground was cursed, childbearing and
marriage would come with great pain and frustration, and Adam and Eve and all their
children would die and return to the dust from which they were created. Even
so, God promised a Savior, the Seed of the woman who would crush the serpent’s
A statement that God
made toward the end of this episode may puzzle some. “Behold, the man has
become like one of Us in knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:22). Luther
remarked, “God says this in holy irony.” After Adam and Eve had eaten the forbidden
fruit, they knew from experience what good and evil are, but that knowledge was
a caricature of the knowledge God had intended for them to have. They now knew good
as something they had forfeited and lost. They now knew evil as something
that permeated their whole being, a built-in enemy against which they would
have to struggle even after they had been brought to faith.
It follows then, that
there was one more thing God had to do, and it required of God what we sometimes
call “tough love.” He had to drive the two people out of the garden. God
did not want them, in their sin-stained condition, to eat of the tree of life,
for that would have perpetuated their present form of life. God didn’t want
them to live permanently in bodies enslaved to sin, like the damned in hell;
that would have made Christ’s magnificent work of restoration impossible.
To block any attempt
Adam and Eve might make to reenter the garden, God stationed the cherubim with
a flaming sword at the entrance. By doing so, God was announcing that life is
no longer continual paradise but a time of grace, a period God gives us in
which we can find our way back through Jesus Christ.
In Revelation 22, the scene
is similar, but not identical, to the Garden of Eden. In the new heaven and
earth, there is only the tree of life. As the tree of life grows continuously,
eternal life grows forever from grace. Confirmed in holiness; we cannot sin so
we cannot die. So, we will have continuous access to this tree.
Heaven will perfectly
restore the paradise we lost through the sins of Adam and Eve. God cursed the
ground because of Adam’s sin, and the Lord banished him from the Garden of Eden.
But now in the new heaven and earth, the tree of life produces twelve crops of
fruit, one crop each month. The tree of life provides healing of the nations.
All the suffering caused by Adam’s fall will be ended. “No longer will there be
anything accursed” (Revelation 22:3). Heaven is a place of beauty, safety,
perfection, and eternal life.
I don’t have to tell
you that you’re not in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were exiled from there
a long time ago, and with them all mankind. You’re obviously not in heaven,
either. You’re in a place with sin and sorrow, pain and death. It’s not just
around you; it’s in you. According to the Word of God, you’re guilty of
all the sins in this text. As one who doubts, you’re among the dogs. As one who
wants your own will over God’s, you are among the sorcerers. As one who views
God’s plan for sex with contempt, you are among the sexually immoral. As one
who does not love his neighbor, you are among the murderers. As one who places
trust in other things, you are among the idolaters. And as one who all too
frequently believes God loves you because of who you are, you are one who loves
and practices falsehood.
It’s no fun to hear;
but remember: to break one part of God’s law is to be guilty of it all. You do
not have to act to be a murderer or adulterer: you only have to have hate or
lust in your heart. It is important to acknowledge this: because it is true,
and because it makes all the clearer the need for forgiveness.
You see, you would be
numbered among the wicked outside, but there is a crucial difference. While you’re
not yet in heaven—while you’ve not yet come into the glorious presence of
Christ, Christ has come into this world and into your presence. Your Savior,
Jesus Christ, became flesh and dwelt among us. Between Eden and heaven, His is
the tree of life. Our Thanksgiving Prayer in the Service of the Sacrament for
Divine Service 4, links the tree of life in the Garden of Eden to Christ and
His cross. We pray:
In Your
righteous judgment You condemned the sin of Adam and Eve, who ate the forbidden
fruit, and You justly barred them and all their children from the tree of life.
Yet, in Your great mercy, You promised salvation by a second Adam, Your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord, and made His cross a life-giving tree for all who trust
in Him.
We give You
thanks for the redemption You have prepared for us through Jesus Christ. Grant
us Your Holy Spirit that we may faithfully eat and drink of the fruits of His
cross and receive the blessings of forgiveness, life, and salvation that come
to us in His body and blood.
Jesus saved us from death
by dying in our place. He hung on the cursed tree of the cross so that we who were
accursed are blessed. On the cross, Christ suffered hell for you so that you
might be with Him in Paradise. In Eden and heaven, there is the tree of life planted
by God so that His people may eat of it and live. On Calvary, there is a tree
planted by Roman soldiers. It has one crossbeam for its branch. One precious fruit
hung on that tree: the bloody, beaten body of our dear dead Savior. That tree
is the tree of life in this world, because by His crucifixion Christ has
redeemed you for heaven. Now He is risen from the dead, having borne on that
tree the fruit of forgiveness and life.
And before we move on,
remember the penitent thief on the cross. Following his ill-spent life of crime,
he would be numbered among the transgressors. But by God’s gift of faith, he
believed that Jesus is his Savior. Repentant, he said to Jesus, “Remember me
when You come into Your Kingdom.” And Jesus responded, “Today you will be with
Me in Paradise.”
“Paradise,” by the way,
is a Persian word that means “garden,” most specifically the Garden of Eden.
Jesus, in effect, says to the thief on the cross, “Today you will be with Me in
Eden restored—you’ll be with Me in the new heaven and earth.”
Because of sin, you are
outside of Paradise, but Christ is with you. And by means of His sacrifice on
the cross, He has brought the tree of life and the hope of the garden to you.
You are no longer a thing accursed because you are blessed. For the Lord says, “Blessed
is the one who keeps the prophecy of this book.” So blessed you are: for God has
put His saving Word into your ears; and by the grace and faith that He gives you,
you keep His Word—you hold onto it and gladly trust in Christ as your Savior.
He says, “Blessed are
those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life
and that they may enter the city by the gates” “Revelation 22:14). So blessed
are you: for your robe has been washed white in the blood of the Lamb. The
river of life flowed at the font at your baptism, where Christ joined you to
His death and washed your sins away. The fruit of the tree of life—the forgiveness
won at the cross—is still given to you in His Word and Supper.
Go in the peace of the
Lord and serve your neighbor with joy. You are forgiven for all your sins in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
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from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway
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