Out of Egypt
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"Flight into Egypt" by Jean-Francois Millet |
when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in
a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and His mother, and flee to Egypt, and
remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to
destroy Him.” And he rose and took the Child and His mother by night and
departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod. This
was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I
called my son.”
Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious,
and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that
region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had
ascertained from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what
was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah:
“A voice
was heard in Ramah, weeping and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her
children; she refused to be comforted, because they are no more.” (Matthew
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and
the Lord Jesus Christ!
Joseph. It’s a good
old-fashioned name. “Yahweh has added.” It’s the name that Rachel gave to her
son when, finally after so many years of waiting, she gave birth to a child. Joseph,
son of his famous father Jacob, was now in the world. And Joseph would act with
such trust and valor throughout his life that he would be well remembered, and
his name would be often given to little baby boys.
You know the story of
Joseph, son of Jacob. Jacob loved his boy and gave him a coat of many colors. His
older brothers hated him so much that they faked his death and sold him into
slavery. Carted off to Egypt, Joseph became a slave in Potiphar’s household. In
fact, he became master of the house until Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him
because he refused to share in her sin. Though innocent, Joseph was sent to
jail, and he languished in that Egyptian prison for years.
Eventually, his ability
to interpret dreams came to the attention of Pharaoh. And because Joseph was
able to interpret Pharaoh’s troubling dreams, Pharaoh released him from prison
and made him second-in-command of all of Egypt. In that post, Joseph saved the
Egyptians from famine. He saved many others, too.
For instance, his
brothers. The same brothers, who had so cruelly sold him into slavery years
before, now came to Egypt looking for food. Joseph toyed with them for a while,
but only to test the sincerity of their repentance. And when he was assured of
their change of heart, he revealed who he was.
His brothers feared for
the worst—that it was now payback time. But Joseph spoke words that have echoed
through the centuries: “You intended to
harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the
saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20). Rather than seek revenge, Joseph
provided for his brothers and his families. This was all part of God’s plan to
save—to deliver Israel, His chosen people. In fact, this was even a part of
God’s plan to save the world from their sins.
His providence would
not always be that apparent. After Joseph died, they would be slaves in Egypt
for 400 years. But then the Lord would send Moses and lead them back out of
Back out of Egypt—you
know the story of the Exodus well, too. After ten plagues, the Lord finally
convinced Pharaoh to let His people go. The Israelites were delighted to leave
Egypt and slavery, they were ready to trust in the Lord’s promises and to let
Him lead them to the Promised Land.
At least, until they
got to the Red Sea (not very far), at which time they said to Moses, “Was it
because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?
What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?” (Exodus 14:11). So much
for delight and trust!
And of course, there
was that little incident out at Mt. Sinai on the way to the Promised Land. The
same people who had seen the Red Sea part, lasted just about two seconds at the
foot of the mountain as they waited for Moses to speak with the Lord, and then
they asked Aaron to make a golden calf to worship instead. It’s a testament to
God’s patience that He didn’t wipe them out then.
We could speak of their
grumblings about the food in the wilderness as they resented the manna that God
gave them each morning. We could spend some time repeating their statements of
how they’d like to go back to Egypt and slavery just for a few cucumbers,
leeks, and melons. We could mention that the Lord led them right up to the
Promised Land, but that they had to spend an extra forty years in the
wilderness because they didn’t believe that God was a match for tall people.
But rather than dwell
on their disobedience in the desert, let’s fast-forward to their life after
conquering the Promised Land by the Lord’s strength and power. Let’s see how
carefully they kept God’s Word and lived according to His commands.
Take, for instance, the
time of the Judges, when…well, when every man went and did what was right in
his own eyes, when time and time again the people had to be punished for their
disobedience, and God had to raise up a judge to deliver them. Okay. Never mind.
Perhaps we’d better move on. Take the reign of Rehoboam, when…well, when the
country divided and the ten tribes began to worship golden calves. Or later on,
when the people are either killed or taken into captivity because of their
persistent rejection of God’s Law and Gospel.
In such a sordid
history, a stand-up guy like Joseph really stands out. Although he suffers
dearly, he brings his family down to Egypt to save them from certain death. Because
he saves them, they can later return from Egypt and go back to the Promised
Land—and be disobedient some more.
One wonders what Joseph
would think of all that happened after his death, for the nation whom he saved
from starvation by God’s grace certainly rejected the faith that sustained him.
At any rate, “Joseph,
son of Jacob” was a well-known hero. And so it was a popular name. In fact,
centuries later, there was another Jacob who had a son. And this Jacob named
his son Joseph. And this Joseph was betrothed to a virgin named Mary, who was
found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.
After the Child was
born, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, “Get up,” he said,
“Take the Child and His mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell
you, for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him.”
Here we go again. Another
Joseph-son-of-Jacob heading down to Egypt. This time, the purpose is far more
specific than the salvation of God’s chosen people, Israel. This Joseph is
going to Egypt to save God’s chosen Savior, Jesus.
Like his namesake of
old, this Joseph is also obedient and faithful. When he got up, he took the
Child and His mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until
the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord has said through the
prophet: “Out of Egypt I called My Son”
(Matthew 2:14-15).
Joseph takes Mary and
her Baby to Egypt, and there they stay until Herod dies. Then, when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of
the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, “Get up, take the
Child and His mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to
take the Child’s life are dead.”
So he got up, took the
Child and His mother, and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that
Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to
go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee,
and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said
through the prophets, “He will be called a Nazarene.”
So Joseph-son-of-Jacob,
having taken Mary and Jesus to Egypt, now brings them back to the Promised
Land, and they find a home in Nazareth, just like the prophets said it would be.
That’s what our text tells us today.
But the big question is
this: So what? Why does it matter to me that the family went to Egypt and back?
The story seems to have little significance. Ah, but there is much Good News
here for us in the stories of Josephs, sons of Jacobs.
For one thing, Matthew
insistently points out that this trip takes place to fulfill what the prophets
had said about the Messiah. Even as a toddler, Jesus is proving Himself to be
the Savior—even as He will by fulfilling prophecies about healings and other
miracles. The trip to Egypt adds to His credentials as the Christ. But there is
more for us to rejoice in here.
Remember the story of
the original Joseph. And especially remember the original Israelites’ trip to
Egypt. The Israelites who go down to Egypt and Joseph’s care are his
brothers—the brothers who gave into jealousy, faked his death, deceived his
father, stole his coat, sold him into slavery, and dismissed him as gone. This
is hardly a righteous group of characters, these Israelites who make their way
to Egypt and Joseph’s care.
Furthermore, consider
the Israelites who leave Egypt 400 years later, who survived because of
Joseph’s invitation. They constantly doubt God’s promises, bow down to false
gods, challenge Moses, and complain about the Lord’s deliverance, and gripe
about the Lord’s provision. They do so all the way to the Promised Land. And
after that, they get even worse about it.
The point is this. All
the way down to Egypt and all the way back to the Promised Land, the Israelites
are a bunch of thankless and unrighteous sinners.
Now, remember the story
of Joseph, husband of Mary. More specifically, look at the Child whom he
delivers to Egypt and back. This Toddler—likely about 2 years old—makes the
arduous journey to Egypt without a single sin. He arrives at His exile completely
righteous and holy. Later on, He makes the journey back from Egypt to Nazareth
in the Promised Land. And as He does so, He is still wholly righteous and
without sin.
The point of this
remembrance is this. The Toddler Jesus makes the same trip that Old Testament
Israel did. And He makes it while perfectly trusting God and perfectly obeying
His parents. He makes the trip without a single sin.
If this seems like
nothing worth remarking on, then you’ve never gone on a long car ride with a
The Son of God makes
this rough journey in part because He has taken on human flesh to be the Savior.
And since life is rough for man, man’s Savior gets no special favors. But more
importantly, the Son of God makes the trip because He is the Savior of all who
believe in Him, even those Israelites of the Exodus. And in His trip to Egypt,
He is hard at work to save.
You see, in preparation
for Judgment Day, the Savior Jesus now makes this declaration to those
long-gone Israelites of the Old Testament. He says, “When you went down to
Egypt, you were full of all sorts of sin—just from the way you treated your
brother Joseph. And when you left Egypt for the Promised Land, you were an
unrighteous lot of grumbling, unfaithful idolaters. These sins merit the
punishment of eternal death. That is what you deserve.
“But I am your Savior,
and I save you from death. Therefore, I went to Egypt, too. I made the trip
down to Pharaoh’s land, but I did it perfectly, without sin. I stayed in exile
there for a while, and I stayed perfectly righteous in doing so. Then I made
the trip out of Egypt—and I did so without a single sin. And, back in the
Promised Land, I didn’t turn to false gods and idols. I stayed obedient to My
Father’s will, even went to the cross at His bidding.
“I did this for you, so
that you might be forgiven. I’ve lived to give you credit for my righteousness.
And I’ve died to take away your sin. You see, when My Father looks upon you, He
says, ‘When I look upon you, I don’t see your sins, your shabby treatment of
Joseph, or your grumblings in the wilderness and idolatry in Canaan. My Son has
taken all of that away. Instead, when I look at you, I see My Son’s perfect
sinlessness as He travels down to Egypt. I see His perfect holiness as He lives
there. I see His righteousness and obedience as He travels back to Nazareth and
submits to His parents. I see these things because Jesus did them for you and
gives you the credit for them. That’s why you’re saved from your sin. That’s
why heaven is yours.’”
Therefore, this Gospel
lesson does much to teach us of the Gospel itself. Jesus has lived and died for
you. He has lived a perfect life so that He can give you credit for His perfect
life. He has died the sinner’s death so that you don’t have to die for your
Therefore, consider
some of those sins that may well be prevalent as the holiday season begins to
fade. It may be the anger of toddlers who are screaming because of a broken toy
or just because they want to assert their will.
It may be the
covetousness of children who wish they had the toys that a friend received. It
may be the contempt of teenagers, who doesn’t want to listen to the parents and
may grow angry at them for a bad day at school. It may be the sins that afflict
adults, that rush into the vacuum left by the disappearing holiday cheer: lust,
anxiety, selfishness, abrasiveness, a whole host of sins. Sins that don’t
really shock us anymore because they’re just a part of who we are. And frankly,
these are the dangerous sins. When sins trouble us, we repent of them. When
they don’t trouble us, we dismiss them and do not seek forgiveness. But the
Lord still calls them sin and calls us to repentance. For the wages of these
sins, too, is death.
And the Lord also bids
you to remember His trip to Egypt; because, you see, He is not just living a
perfect and sinless life for the Israelites of old. He is doing that for you,
So that toddlers may be
forgiven of their angry power-plays, Jesus perfectly and serenely submits to
His parents. He then takes the punishment for angry power plays by submitting
Himself to death on the cross. So that children can be forgiven for their
covetousness, Jesus lives a perfect life of contentment. He then takes the
judgment for their sin by giving up even His life at Calvary. So that teenagers
can be forgiven for contempt and disrespect, He remains perfectly subservient
to His parents through His adolescent years. Then He goes to the cross and
accepts the blame for all the sins of the world.
For all of those
grown-up sins that are so commonplace, He lives an adult life of perfect
purity, trust, service, kindness, and holiness. Then He accepts the wrath of
God and pays the price for all vice, wretchedness, unholiness, and iniquity. He
doesn’t do this to set an example—we already have God’s Law to tell us what to
do, and we cannot do it. He does not do this to set you up, to say, “Ha! It can
be done, so you’d better get on the ball!” He lives that perfect life for you!
And He declares to you
today, “Repent and remember my perfect life and my terrible death. I’ve lived
that perfect life to give you the credit for it. I’ve died that death to save
you the punishment. Therefore, I do not see your sin and shame —I’ve taken it
away! Instead I see only perfect holiness, because I lived and died to give it
to you.”
So hear the story of
the Toddler Jesus, on His way to Egypt and back. Hear and marvel, because that
2-year-old is doing what you cannot do, and He’s doing it for your
salvation. He fulfills prophecies at that young age, proving even then that He
is the Savior that the prophets foretold.
And as He does so, He
is living for you. So that He might die for you … And rise for you … And live
for you once more, so He can declare that you are forgiven for all of your sins.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English
Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of
Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.