Raising This Temple in Three Days
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"Jesus Chasing the Merchants from the Temple" by Quentin Matsys |
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So the Jews said to Him, “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:18-19).
So the Jews said to Him, “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:18-19).
Grace to
you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
When I
was in high school, Hal Lindsey and his best-selling book, The Late, Great Planet Earth, were causing quite a stir. Using a
method of biblical interpretation that compares supposed end time prophecies in
the Bible with then-current events, Lindsey attempted to predict future
scenarios resulting in the rapture of believers before the tribulation and the
Second Coming of Christ.
Lindsey did not claim to know the dates of future events with any certainty, he
suggested that Matthew 24:32-34 indicates that Jesus’ return might be within “one
generation,” or forty years, of the rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948. He
even posited that the government of Israel had a pre-fab temple ready to go up once
the Muslim mosque, the Dome of the Rock that now occupies the site of the former
temple was torn down. He pointed to Jesus’ words in our text that all of this
would take place in three days.
As you
can tell by the fact that we’re still here this morning, Lindsey got a lot of
things wrong in his prophetic biblical interpretation. That’s what happens when
you read Scripture out of its context. But one of the most egregious errors, is
his misinterpretation of Jesus’ words in John 2:19. He would have only had to
read St. John’s note two verses later to know that “[Jesus] was speaking about
the temple of His body” and His own resurrection from the dead.
Lindsey wasn’t the first one to get the identity of the temple wrong. And, he
probably won’t be the last. So, let’s make sure we have a good understanding of
this passage so we might not be led astray ourselves.
It was
easy to identify the temple in Jerusalem. It was the magnificent building made
of stone, divided into two rooms. A wall enclosed the courtyard that contained
an altar for sacrifice and a basin for washing. The place was guarded carefully
as ceremonies were conducted. The furnishings were ornate and of quality
craftsmanship, each detail dictated by God.
But what
made it the temple? There were other big buildings made of stone. There were
other courtyards surrounded by walls. Animals were slaughtered elsewhere, and
guards stood in front of other places. What made this the temple?
This made
it the temple. God was there. This was His house. When Solomon completed the
temple, the Lord entered the Holy of Holies in a cloud of glory. He lived
there, hidden behind a thick curtain, present with His people. If they wanted
to find God, they went to the temple, where He promised to be.
at the temple was designed to point to one of two things. First, that God lived
there with His people. That’s why sacrifices were offered at the temple, not
somewhere else. Second, those sacrifices proclaimed that the people would be
saved from their sins by a sacrifice. They pointed to Jesus, the Lamb of God,
the Sacrifice for the sins of the world.
temple was a monument to the faithfulness and grace of God. But the Israelites
forgot. The priests took their duties for granted. By their careless actions,
they declared that the Lord’s presence didn’t matter all that much, opening the
way for further trouble. Once the people decided that the Lord’s presence
wasn’t all that special, it made perfect sense to worship other gods who felt
more special. It seemed reasonable to expect God to share His holy space with
Such was
not the case. As prophesied by Ezekiel, the Lord left the temple. He doesn’t
force His grace and presence on anyone. He doesn’t share His glory with false
gods, either. If the people didn’t want Him as their help and salvation, fine;
He would simply withdraw and let their false, dead gods look after them.
So, the Lord
left. But because of the blindness of idolatry, few in Israel even noticed. They
still had the building, so they figured God must still be there. It came as
quite a shock to them when the Babylonians came through and destroyed the
temple building. “How could it happen if God was there?” they wondered. You
already know the answer: He wasn’t. They didn’t want Him, so He had left.
But He’d
be back, present with His people to save. The temple would be rebuilt, then
rebuilt again at the time of Herod. God would still dwell with His people,
hiding His glory behind stone walls and a thick curtain. Then He’d do something
even better. The Temple would come to the temple.
brings us to our Gospel lesson. Remember: the temple is where God is present
with His people. Remember this, too: it’s possible to destroy the temple but
keep the building, and at the time of Christ it is happening again. The temple
grounds have been turned into a marketplace. Trade in your animal for a better
one to be sacrificed—for a cost, of course. Change your money into the official
temple coinage—with a surcharge, naturally. Subtly, the focus of the temple
shifts. It is no longer on God’s gracious presence. The message to the
worshiper is that God loves him if he only pays enough money.
No wonder
Jesus drives the merchants from the temple. “Do not make My Father’s house a
house of trade!” He declares. They are turning God’s house into a store. The
focus is not on the Lord and His free grace, but on striking a deal and making
a profit. Yes, God is still present there—Jesus still calls the temple His
“Father’s house;” but once again, the Lord is being made to feel unwelcome.
Those in
charge of the temple-market demand: “What sign do You show us for doing these
things?” They are convinced that they have a good program going, one that
benefits the temple; and they are also convinced that Jesus is harming the work
of the Lord by condemning their program. This Jesus had better give a good
reason fast as to why revenge should not be swift and violent.
response puzzles them: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it
up.” They couldn’t believe their ears. It had taken forty-six years to build
this temple, and He said He would rebuild it in three days? Nonsense! (Unless you
happen to have a pre-fab temple stashed away somewhere, Jesus!)
But St.
John tells us the real reason for their confusion: “[Jesus] was speaking about
the temple of His body.” Remember: The temple is where God dwells graciously
with His people. Throughout the Old Testament, this meant a building of stone
walls and a heavy curtain. But who is Jesus? He is the Son of God become flesh.
Wherever Jesus is, God is dwelling graciously with His people. Jesus is a
walking, talking temple. Where He is, God is, because He is God.
And since
that stone temple was meant to point to Him, Jesus tries to direct their
attention from it to Him. Jesus is the temple—God dwelling among His people. He
is also the Sacrifice who will atone for their sin, because His enemies take
Him up on His sign. In a few years, they will destroy the temple. So much do
they want God gone that they’ll kill Him when they have the chance. But Jesus
fulfills the rest of the sign. He rises again three days later.
Note what
happens at the temple made of stone at the moment Jesus dies. The curtain is
torn in two, from top to bottom. Yes, this is in part a sign that there is no
more need for sacrifices. But it is also the Lord’s declaration that He isn’t
present in that temple anymore. The building will be there for another forty
years or so, but the Lord will be present elsewhere.
Where? The
Lord will be present wherever Jesus is, because Jesus is Lord. He is also the
Word made flesh. Therefore, wherever the Word is proclaimed, Jesus is present. Add
the Word to water, and Jesus is present in Holy Baptism, where He cleanses His
people, now temples of the Holy Spirit. And, of course, we dare not forget His
great declaration of presence in His Supper: “Take and eat, this is My body. Take
and drink, this is My blood…for the forgiveness of sins.”
Rejoice! You
no longer must go to the temple in Jerusalem to be in the Lord’s presence. The
Lord comes to you! He is just as present in His means of grace here, today, as
He was in the Holy of Holies, surrounded by a cloud of glory. That is why this
room is called the sanctuary—the holy place, because God comes here to you. You
also see a visual reminder of this during Holy Communion. The bread and wine
are covered by a veil—a reminder of the curtain in the temple behind which the
Lord lived. But just before you receive the Lord’s body and blood, the veil is
removed. You are in a most holy place. You are in the presence of God! It’s why we call worship “Divine Service.” The
Divine One is at your service, forgiving your sins, equipping you for service
in His kingdom.
here’s the thing. If God graces us with His presence here—if He kindly visits
us to forgive our sins, then it only makes sense that His grace and presence
should always be the focus of our worship. Nothing in this service should
distract us from Him. This is why our worship always returns to His Word and
Sacraments, for they are His temple. They are how He dwells among us.
Jesus is
present in His means of grace, and so we cling tenaciously to them. Sadly, there
are other Christians today who hold onto His Word, but declare that His
Sacraments are empty symbols. While we give thanks that they still have His
Word, we cannot condone their denial of the Sacraments. Where Jesus says, “Here
I am with grace,” it is not for us to say, “No, you’re not.” We dare not compromise
away the presence of Christ in these precious means.
We are
further warned: Any church can lose its focus. There is always the danger that
a church will boast of its programs and activities over the means of grace. In
such a case, the focus shifts away from Jesus’ presence to what we are doing
instead, and the slide down the slippery slope gains speed. A church with all
sorts of programs and ministries will be deemed much more alive than one where
the people focus on gathering in the presence of the living Lord.
all, then, here is our program and ministry: Jesus comes to forgive sins. He
gathers us here to His means of grace. By His grace, we proclaim to you the
forgiveness of sins. And by that Word you are forgiven. Then you go out into
the world to the vocations God has given you. May we do nothing here but
proclaim the truth that Jesus, who died and rose, is present here to forgive
As we do,
remember this message will not always be well received. Even though Jesus did
the world a favor by driving out the moneychangers, He still was roundly
criticized for it. As you keep focused upon the Lord’s gracious presence for
the forgiveness of sins, you can expect criticism, too.
If you
strive for pure preaching of Law and Gospel, you may be accused of being too
obsessed with internal purification. If you wish to preserve the means of grace
in order to make disciples with them, you’ll be accused of not being
mission-minded. If you insist that the Church hold fast to the message of sin
and grace, you’ll be labeled “mean-spirited” for wanting people to repent and
be forgiven.
But if
you hold fast to such things, you have this comfort: The Lord, who died on the
cross for your redemption, visits you to forgive your sins. He is present by
His Word and Sacraments to give you forgiveness, life, and salvation. The
Temple who was destroyed for your sin was raised three days later. He will
never be destroyed again, and He visits to share this immortality with you.
The Lord
is present with His people. You gather here, because He is present here to give
you life. But He is not just present here; He is present wherever His Word is
preached in its truth and purity, and His Sacraments are administered according
to His Word. This is certain for you, because the Lord is present, here and
now, to proclaim this joyous news: You are forgiven for all of your sins.
In the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English
Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of
Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.