Thankful Even for the Detours of Life
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Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
It’s not
good for a pastor to talk about himself too much in a sermon. The sermon can
easily degenerate into a grade school-like essay: “What I Did During My Summer
Vacation” or given the holiday we are observing this evening: “What I Am
Thankful For.” Or it can turn into a Joel Osteen pep talk on how to have
your best life now if you just follow my example. But today, I’m going to make
an exception and tell you a little about myself. I pray that by doing so, it will
help you view your own life’s detours from a Scriptural perspective.
A few years
ago, I would not have expected to be standing here today, a full-time pastor of
a new tri-parish. I was in my ninth year as pastor of a congregation that had
been steadily growing in faith, wisdom, membership, and ministry; and I was
looking for many good things to come in the years ahead. But as Thomas รก Kempis
is credited with writing in “The Imitation of Christ: “Man proposes but God
disposes.” Or as Solomon writes in the book of Proverbs: “The heart of man
plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (16:9).
journey is not one straight, smooth road, but full of potholes and detours. And
God can use all of it to shape us and make us into the people He wants us to
be, to use us in the ways that He best knows as He gets us to our ultimate
destination—our heavenly Promised Land. So, on life’s journey, I found myself
in the middle of a detour I could not get off myself.
How did I
get there? In one word—sin. Without going into a lot of details—pride and an
error in judgment created mistrust. Satan fanned the spark of mistrust into a
flame of unnecessary conflict through rumor, failure to put the best
construction on the situation, and unwillingness of others to repent and/or
forgive. So, I resigned my call to try to avoid a greater split to the
I don’t
tell you this to hold myself up as a role model. Like you I am a poor miserable
sinner who only stands here by God’s grace. And I don’t tell you this to try to
gain favor with God, although I must admit that the false promise ran
repeatedly in my sinful mind that if I just did the right things, that if I
just prayed hard enough, then He might call me back to full-time ministry.
do I tell you this as a sort of purging or catharsis. I’ve confessed my guilt
before God and man, and I know that I stand before the Lord, pure and
blameless, forgiven and absolved solely for the sake of Jesus Christ, His
perfect life, atoning death and resurrection. Nor do I blame others. I accept
full responsibility for the consequences of my actions. I’ve done so privately
and publicly. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. My fault. My own
grievous fault.
And I do
not tell you this to gain sympathy. Though my life has been very different than
I would have expected, I’ve had a very good life. I’ve learned what is most
important to me—the Lord, my wife, Aimee, my family, friends, and ministry—in
that order. My greatest fear in all that happened was that my children would
become bitter with the church and fall away from the faith. But if anything,
these events have brought my family closer together and to the Lord.
I’ve come
to better understand and appreciate the Lord’s provision of daily bread. I
enjoyed my work at Wal-Mart. I made a lot of friends there, sharpened my
leadership skills, and had a greater opportunity to share the Gospel on a
one-on-one basis than I’ve ever had as a parish pastor. The overnight schedule
gave me the opportunity to preach and teach on a regular basis while I waited
for a call. It also enabled me to be able to accept the call to Trosky, where
the saints of St. John’s have provided a place of healing, showing unconditional
love to me and my family, demonstrating a Christ-like spirit of cooperation
with one another, a heart for outreach to the community, and an unshakable trust in
the Lord Jesus to provide what is needed for His Church now and in the future.
As the
Lord has humbled me on this detour, I have learned to trust in Him rather than
my own skills, abilities, and determination. I have learned more patience,
waiting for God’s timing and God’s plan to unfold. Good ministry is seldom done
in a hurry. And I’ve been reminded that there isn’t a thing that you do or say
that can’t be misunderstood, so one must try to communicate as clearly as possible
and put the best construction on others’ words and actions.
No, I
don’t share this other than with the hope that it might somehow help you to
better understand your own detours in life in relation to our text for today,
Deuteronomy 8:2-3:
And you shall
remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in
the wilderness, that He might humble you, testing you to know what was in your
heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. And He humbled you and
let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your
fathers know, that He might make you know that man does not live by bread
alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
years in the wilderness. Talk about a long detour! And living in tents to boot!
I enjoy camping out. The peaceful solitude, the sounds and smells of the great
outdoors are invigorating. But forty years? I don’t know about you, but I like
a hot shower occasionally. And it wasn’t like the Israelites were in some lush
national forest. They were in the wilderness, a desolate region with no native
food or water supplies. And despite their wilderness setting they didn’t even
have the luxury of “getting away from it all.” Imagine, taking the entire
populations of South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wyoming and
placing them in a portable tent city that slowly moved about the Badlands
of South Dakota. This is the kind of detour on which God led the people
of Israel for forty years!
If you look
at a map, you’ll see just how strange it is that it would take this long to get
from Egypt to the Promised Land. Cairo is less than 300 miles
away from Jerusalem as the crow flies. It certainly didn’t have to be
this way. The Lord is quite capable of doing things differently. After all,
this is the same all-powerful God who parted the Red Sea rather than
say, “Why don’t you spend a few days going around?” But He picked the long
road—a forty-year detour. Why? He tells us through His servant Moses: “that He
might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would
keep His commandments or not.”
When they
ran out of water and food in the wilderness, the people
of Israel were quick to panic and fret that they were going to die of
thirst and starvation. In other words, they were quick to doubt the Lord’s
mercy. In fact, they were quick to accuse Moses and God of leading them into
the wilderness to die!
That sort
of distrust can swing more than one way. So, the Lord warned that once they
reached the Promised Land and had all its abundance, they’d be likely to forget
that it was all a gift from Him. They’d be tempted to take it for granted, or
think that they had earned it themselves. So, in preparation for the Promised
Land, the Lord humbled them. He put them in a situation where they would say,
“We cannot survive out here on our own. We need the Lord to keep us
There was
more to it, too. It was a matter of discipline. Moses declares, “Know then in
your heart that, as a man disciplines his son, the Lord your God disciplines
you.” Some of the discipline in the wilderness was punishment. There’s no hiding
the fact that they were in the wilderness because when they came out of Egypt,
they refused enter the Promised Land for fear of the Canaanites. Because they
doubted God, the Lord declared that none of the Israelites would enter the
Promised Land until that generation died off. That was the reason for the forty-year
detour—a year for each of the forty days they had spied out the land and then
failed to claim the Lord’s promise.
But not
all of it was punishment. Discipline also means training. And once again, the
Lord was training His people to trust in Him. As He provided food and
deliverance from danger in the wilderness, so He would give them victory over
the inhabitants of the Promised Land. The Lord was training them to know that
they were to live “by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”
One more
thing about that forty-year detour: it had a starting point. The Israelites
weren’t always in the wilderness. They’d spent over 400 years
in Egypt, the last portion as slaves. They would have died there as
slaves, too. But the Lord rescued them from that slavery—rescued them
wondrously, miraculously, and dramatically. No, the wilderness might not be the
greatest place to be, but it was a far better situation than the slavery and
death they’d known up until then.
especially true since it wasn’t their destination. The detour in the desert was
just the time between the slavery and the Promised Land. Throughout those
years, the Lord would humble them, test them, and discipline them. He would
also provide for them, protect them, and when the time was right, give them the
Promised Land full of every good thing. But more than that, He would give
them a Savior, one of their own, who would deliver them to eternal life.
It’s no
coincidence that many centuries later Jesus went into the wilderness to be
tempted by the devil. As Israel was baptized through the Red
Sea into the wilderness for forty years, so Jesus was baptized and went
straight to His temptation for forty days. He did perfectly what the people
of Israel failed to do. Where the people sinned against God again and
again, Jesus remained perfectly sinless and obedient. Where they needed to be
humbled, He was perfectly humble. Where Israel panicked because there
was momentarily no food, Jesus fasted and trusted. In fact, when the devil
tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread, Jesus quoted this Old Testament
lesson: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from
the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).
humble, Jesus met every test and remained the disciplined Son. Why did He do so?
Jesus wasn’t just re-enacting wilderness life to see what it must have been
like for His ancestors. He did this to redeem them—and to redeem you, too. He
lived that perfect life to credit you with His perfect obedience. Then He went
to the cross; and on the cross, His Father punished Him with the judgment for
the sin of the world—that you might have eternal life.
All of
this frames your life on earth; and it frames your Thanksgiving Day. I pray
that it is a day of family and friends, of food and fun. But even if your life
has taken an unexpected detour, remember, there is a reason for this: you’re not
in the Promised Land yet! You’re still in the land of fiery serpents and
scorpions—of thirst and hunger, arthritis and cancer, bad decisions and
troubled relationships. That’s what the wilderness is like, and the troubles
you face will be used by the devil to leave you thankless and doubting
But you
have so much to be thankful for. There’s the obvious stuff for thanksgiving—the
first article things like body and soul, food and drink, house and home, family
and possessions. Second and third article gifts like faith and forgiveness, salvation
and eternal life. Those are blessings we think of most often; but there’s more
to be thankful for. The Lord also gives you those other strange gifts that He
gave Israel in the wilderness: namely, the humbling, the testing,
and the discipline. Be thankful for the detours.
Life in
this wilderness is a rocky road. You will hurt. You will lack. You will sin. You
will stumble and fall. And you’ll wonder why the Lord chooses to do things this
way. The best answer we can give from Scripture is that you’re His children. The
setbacks and troubles you face are consequences of being a sinner in a sinful
world. But their effects on you are not random slaps of a heartless cosmos. The
Lord has made you His children—you are heirs of His kingdom.
As you
make your way through this wilderness, remember the wilderness is already a
step up. Once you were enslaved in sin, dead and headed for hell. But the Lord
brought you out of your “Egypt” through the Red Sea of Holy Baptism. For those
apart from Christ, this world is the beginning of hell. You’ve been rescued,
redeemed by the blood of Christ. The Promised Land of heaven is yours, where
you have the certain hope of eternal life free from all sin and struggle, where
God will wipe away every tear from your eyes.
A blessed
Thanksgiving to you all; and rejoice, my friends—even in your weaknesses and
detours. The Lord is treating you as His beloved children, because you are His
beloved children. He gives you all that you need for this body and
life. He gives you all that you need for this body and soul
for eternal life—the Word that comes from His mouth and the Bread that
comes from heaven—His very body and blood. In these means of grace, you have
forgiveness, life, and salvation. Indeed, you are forgiven for all of your
In the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English
Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of
Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.