As You Go...
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“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20).
“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age’” (Matthew 28:18-20).
Grace to
you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Jesus had
taught His disciples by word and deed over the course of 3+ years. Shortly before His ascension our Lord promised
that He would continue His ministry on earth through His disciples. In our text
for today, Jesus instructs them on the way in which He will continue to make
more disciples through them.
passage is used for Holy Trinity Sunday because the baptismal words—in the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit—are explicitly trinitarian.
The teaching to convey everything Jesus instructed is trinitarian, too, because
Jesus spoke the words given Him by the Father, and the Holy Spirit works
through those words to give faith, forgiveness, and eternal life.
makes disciples through His disciples—through the baptizing done in the triune
name and the teaching of Christ’s Word by those who minister in His name. That
ongoing ministry brings the promise of Christ’s continuing presence with His
followers through the means of grace until the end of the age. That is the
mission given by Christ to His disciples, and passed onto us, His current
first comes to your mind when you think of mission?
For some it may be the old television series or motion picture franchise, Mission Impossible. For others, the word
may suggest a military action. Still others may think of overseas missionary
work. But how many of you thought of your own neighborhood or community, right
here in Trosky/Jasper/Pipestone?
It has
been said that every Christian knows at
least seven or eight people who have never been baptized or taught the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. I suspect that number is probably much higher. So,
wouldn’t it make sense that we start with those people we already know?
In His
Great Commission, the Lord said to His followers: “Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded
you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew
If we
translated the Greek verb tenses more literally, the passage might begin as
follows: Going, therefore, disciple the
nations… The verb most English Bibles translate “go,” is not written in the
imperative mood. It’s not a direct command. The sense of our Lord’s words might
better be rendered, “As you go…” or “While you are on your way…”
final words of instruction are often taken as a command, but in reality, they
are something much more—a commission. A commission is an authorization to
perform certain duties or tasks. The Great Commission is not so much a command
or order as it is an honor and privilege and calling of being a follower of
Jesus that carries with it Christ’s authority. That authority gives us the
right, the duty, and the power to make disciples for Christ. What an awesome
As I
think about the words of Jesus’ Great Commission, I am reminded of the M.A.S.H.
units that began during the time of the Korean War, made famous by the movie
and television series of the same name. M.A.S.H. stood for Mobile Army Surgical
Hospital. M.A.S.H. units originated because too many wounded were being lost
between the front lines and the hospital. So, the army took the hospital as
close to the front lines as possible. Victims were treated, stabilized, and
sent to hospitals down the line for follow-up.
The key
word in M.A.S.H. was mobile, “able to
move or be moved easily.” Jesus commissioned His Church to “go therefore and
make disciples.” Wherever there are people who have not been baptized and people
who need to be taught about Christ, that is the place where we are to go. In
Acts 1:8, Jesus instructed His apostles to be His witnesses beginning where
they were—in Jerusalem, Judea, and continuing to the ends of the earth. Our commission
is the same.
A good
place to start making disciples is in our own home, our own congregation, baptizing
and teaching our own children. But there are many other people almost as close.
Demographic studies show that over 50% of the residents of Pipestone and Rock
counties are classified as unchurched. Sad to say, we even have a few of them
on our own membership rolls that fit that definition. Likely, you have members
of your own family that fall into that category. The mission field is not over there,
but it is right here in our own backyard. And we have been given the honor and
privilege of reaching out to them with Christ’s love.
You may
be asking yourself where you fit in this Great Commission. After all, you’re
not an apostle. You’re not a pastor, so you shouldn’t baptize except in
emergencies. You’re not called to preach or administer the Lord’s Supper. But
you are part of the Church, the body of Christ, to which this Great Commission
has been given. As one of Christ’s disciples, you have been given the authority
to make more disciples.
you don’t believe you have “the gift of evangelism.” Perhaps you feel
inadequately prepared for such a great work. You don’t know where to begin. God
provides an answer to your concern. He does that through His Church.
In the
M.A.S.H. unit, the hospital was taken to the wounded. When the wounded could
not make it to the hospital, the hospital came to them. In that way, many more
lives were saved. Many wounded were able to receive treatment that prevented
greater permanent injury.
Church has often been called “a hospital for sinners.” We, who enter here,
rejoice when our sins are forgiven in the name of our compassionate Lord. We
rejoice when other fellow sinners are baptized into Christ in the triune name
for the forgiveness of their sins. We rejoice when we are taught the good news
that Jesus Christ died and rose for us all. We rejoice when we partake of our
Lord’s body and blood, given and shed for the forgiveness of our sins.
hospital for sinners is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Everyone
is welcome to come in for healing and comfort. But how can they come in if they
have not heard the invitation? How can they come in if they are too wounded to
make it on their own power? While pastors are called to baptize and teach, they
can’t make it to everybody’s home, or school, or place of work themselves. Just
like hospitals need medics to bring in the physically sick and injured, the
Church needs medics to bring in the spiritually sick and injured.
where you come in! All Christians can and should reach out in love to the lost.
In this way, we follow the Great Command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” As
you go about your daily lives, you have the opportunities that I or any other
pastor may never have. You can bring them into the hospital for sinners. You
can help make disciples. You can love your neighbor. Who is your neighbor? Our
neighbor is anyone who is in need of the help that we can offer.
I once
asked someone why he had come to our church for help. His response struck at
the heart of what it means for the Church to show Christ to the world. He said,
“The Church is supposed to help when no one else will. The Church is supposed
to love.” Does that describe this congregation?
to love one’s neighbor begins at the cross, where we see Christ our Lord, who
gave Himself completely for us. His love is purposeful and intentional.
Likewise, our love for someone else is intentional and purposeful. Empowered by
Christ, we will add action to our words.
We ask
the Lord to show us needy neighbors around us. There are plenty of people in
need of spiritual support, care, and healing. Then, strengthened by our Lord’s
promise that He is with us, we love and proclaim God’s Good News.
What is this Good News? God the Father so
loved the world that He sent His only-begotten Son into the world. Jesus was
conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary—fully God and fully
man. Having lived a perfect sinless life, Jesus died on the cross as payment
for the sins of the world. Three days later, He rose from the dead. Ascended to
the right hand of the Father, Jesus lives and reigns over all creation, yet
still comes to us in His means of grace, where His Holy Spirit calls, gathers,
enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian Church and keeps it with Jesus
Christ in the one true faith.
So we
rejoice this day in the Holy Trinity, and we gratefully acknowledge that the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are still at work to make disciples through
Baptism and Word of God. We confess those times when we are tempted to elbow
the Trinity aside and trust in our own efforts instead. We give thanks that the
Lord has made us His through our Baptism, and that He continues to strengthen
us by His Word and Supper. If we are criticized for being a bit old-fashioned,
we respond with a cheerful, “Thank you! By the grace of God, we do indeed try
to stay true to our Lord’s command to make disciples His Way.”
dear friends, is your cause for rejoicing: The all-powerful, all-knowing,
all-present Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have made you Their disciple. They
have washed away your sins and declare your salvation. The works of man cannot
save you, but the work of the Holy Trinity can; and this is why I rejoice to
announce to you this work of the Holy Trinity: You are forgiven for all of your
In the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English
Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of
Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.