The Lord Crashes Elijah's Pity Party
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Marc Chagall - The Lord appears to Elijah at the entrance to the cave in which he took refuge (I Kings, XIX, 9, 13), 1956 |
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“And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and he said to him, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’” (1 Kings 19:9b).
“And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and he said to him, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’” (1 Kings 19:9b).
Grace and peace to you
from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!
Elijah is running for
his life—trying to hide from God, like Adam in the garden and Jonah sailing
from Joppa. Oh, that’s not what he says he’s doing; it’s probably not even what
he thinks he’s doing. He thinks he’s running away from Jezebel, Ahab’s evil
wife, who has vowed to have him killed. But, in reality, Elijah’s been running
away from the Lord Himself. As our text begins, he’s now about 300 miles away
from home, having traveled all the way on foot, most of it through inhospitable
desert. The last food he’s eaten is the bread and water the Lord provided him
forty days ago. He cowers in a cave at Mount Horeb.
And the Word of the
Lord comes to the prophet. If that were not enough to strike terror in the
bravest heart, the question the Lord asks is, without a doubt, one of the most
unnerving questions we humans ever face, namely, “What are you doing?” For
whoever asks us such a question when we are doing what we ought? The addition
of the word here—“What are you doing here?”—only exacerbates the already
precarious predicament the prophet is in, for obviously he is not in the right
place either. Here is Elijah—trying to escape from Jezebel—only to be reminded
of the fact that one can never get away from the presence of the Lord Himself.
It’s easy for us, looking
from the outside, to see Elijah’s foolishness, but in truth, we are just as
shortsighted in much of our own vision—more often than not, we’re terrified by
the things of this world, even though we’ve seen firsthand the almighty power
of the Lord in daily life. We fail to heed Jesus’ warning: “Do not fear those
who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy
both body and soul in hell” (Matthew 10:28). Shouldn’t we know better?
In fact, that’s what
makes the opening lines of our Old Testament lesson so intimidating and
unnerving. Elijah, of all people, should know better. He has just experienced
firsthand, over a reasonable length of time, at least three significant acts
that demonstrate the power of the Lord, and yet he’s intimidated by a woman, a
wicked woman, to be sure, but still just flesh and blood. Elijah has just been
privy to the unending oil and flour of the widow at Zarephath and the resurrection
of her son, whereupon she announced, “Now I know that you are a man of God, and
that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth” (1 Kings 17:24). And, of
course, he witnessed the dynamic revelation of the Lord’s power when the Lord
vanquished the prophets and worshipers of Baal atop Mount Carmel with the fire
that “consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and
licked up the water that was in the trench” (1 Kings 18:38). And yet, in spite
of this firsthand demonstration of the Lord’s power, we see Elijah cowering in
a cave. What’s up with that?
Regarding this
reversion to cowardice, Martin Luther writes:
The Holy Spirit does not always impel godly people; He lets
them do some things in accordance with their own will and wish. When Elijah
killed the prophets of Baal, he was impelled by the Spirit of God (1 Kings
18:40); yet later on, when Jezebel’s wrath has been reported to him, he fears
for himself, withdraws into the desert, and in this way looks out for his life
(1 Kings 19:1–4). This he does of his own free will, for he is not commanded by
God to withdraw. His reason kept telling him that he would be safe if he hid in
the desert. Thus he who was most resolute when he killed the prophets was
trembling here in his danger and thought that he would not be safe anywhere in
Israel. These facts were recorded to comfort us, who have no other thought
about the saints than that they were blocks and logs without feeling.[i]
The writer to the
Hebrews takes note of heroes of the faith “of whom the world was not
worthy—wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the
earth” (11:38). Elijah is certainly in their number. But like you and me, he is
also a man with feet of clay. Fortunately, God does not leave him alone. The
word of the Lord comes to him, and asks, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Now one would think,
given the setting just described, that Elijah would relish the reminder that
the Lord Almighty is talking to him and calling him by his name. One would
think that Elijah should be feeling pretty confident about his future given the
recent past. But, in truth, Elijah’s response is a sniveling sort of
self-indulgence, what my Mom would call a “pity party.” “I have been very
jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken Your
covenant, thrown down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword, and
I, even I only, am left, and they seek my life, to take it away” (1 Kings
Since we’re aware of
what Elijah’s just experienced of the Lord’s power, we’re amazed at his lack of
confidence in the Lord’s calling. But what is even more astounding is the
Lord’s enduring patience. He could have justifiably given up on the prophet,
but He doesn’t. In fact, the Lord goes to great lengths to encourage Elijah, letting
him know that his calling is on the same level as Moses by granting similar
signs. Like Moses, Elijah goes without food for forty days in preparation for meeting
the Lord at Mount Horeb. Elijah stands at the entrance of the cave, while Moses
is hidden in “a cleft of the rock” when the Lord’s glory passes by. Elijah wraps
his face in his cloak; Moses hides his face.
God invites Elijah to step out of his cave
while He shows him three tremendous displays of natural forces. Will God use
that wind, the earthquake, or the fire on His enemies? The Lord had done it
before with Moses. He had used the mighty wind to separate the waters of the
Red Sea and then drown the Egyptian soldiers when the water came crashing back
together (Exodus 14). When Korah, Dathan, and Abiram challenged Moses’
leadership, the Lord had caused the earth to open up and swallow them. Fire
came out from the Lord and consumed the 250 men who had offered the incense
without authorization (Numbers 16).
But God is not ready to
deal with His faltering prophet according to the Law; instead God comes and speaks
to Elijah in a low whisper, repeating His original question, “What are you
doing here, Elijah?” Although Elijah repeats his original answer, there seems
to be a whole new tone—one of confession—that suggests Elijah now understands
that what he is about to hear from the Lord lifts him above the petty
annoyances that had seemed so dire the first time around.
Seven hundred years
earlier, God had appeared at Mount Sinai with fire, smoke, and an earthquake.
When God gave the Ten Commandments, his voice was like thunder (Exodus
19:18-20). Now God comes to Elijah not with threats and anger but with patience
and love, with gentleness and mercy. Through a quiet voice, God gives spiritual
strength to Elijah. As a matter of fact, Elijah has not been a failure. The God
who sees into our hearts and who “knows those who are His” (2 Timothy 2:19)
still has seven thousand faithful followers in Israel.
To encourage Elijah in
a renewed battle against idolatry, God also gives him a threefold assignment.
He is to head north and anoint the next king over Aram, who will be God’s
scourge on Israel. He is to anoint a new king over Israel, who will wipe out
the dynasty of Ahab and destroy Baal worship in Israel. Finally, Elijah is to
anoint the man who will succeed him as prophet.
The Gospel in this text
is uniquely designed for our all too often frequent moments of pessimism and
limited vision in our service to God. Elijah feels like he is the only believer
left in Israel, and God assures him that there are still seven thousand
faithful left in the land. God’s Word does not return empty. It achieves the
salvation it sets out to accomplish. What’s more, God provides for the Word’s
future success. He arranges for a successor to Elijah’s ministry. God is in charge—and,
surprisingly, not just in the spiritual realm but also in the secular (1 Kings
19:15-17). God is Lord in both kingdoms, guaranteeing that all things work
together for the accomplishment of His saving will and for the good of those
who love Him.
The surprise is the
manner in which God exercises His lordship and accomplishes His saving will.
Elijah looks for the omnipotent God in the strong wind, the earthquake, or the
fire. Instead, he finds him in “a low whisper” (1 Kings 19:12). This is still
the methodology of our great God. While He is an awesome God who works wonders
and does mighty deeds, He generally comes to us, not in razzle-dazzle, but
through such ordinary items as water, bread, wine, and words.
Thank God He comes to
us this way when—when indeed He comes. God came not as the all-powerful Creator
who could blow us to kingdom come as easily as He could blow apart the rocks.
He comes as a gentle, humble man, veiling His glory just as He did from Moses
and Elijah, only this time in human flesh. He stands silently, not even
whispering, before a judge and jury of His own creatures. Then, in anything but
power, in seeming helplessness, He lets those same sinful creatures kill Him.
The Lord appears on a
“mount” (1 Kings 19:11), yes, but the “mount” turns out to be Mount Calvary; His
throne turns out to be a cross. The truth is, there is only One of God’s
children who is ever all alone—Jesus, His only-begotten Son, as He hangs on the
cross crying, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” His closest followers
desert Him, even His heavenly Father turns His back on Him as Jesus experiences
the Father’s righteous wrath for the sins of the world.
Elijah’s complaint: “They
seek my life, to take it away,” at most only describes an unsuccessful attempt.
But in our Lord’s case, it is successfully carried out. They indeed seek His
life and take it away, or rather He lays it down of His own accord, only to
take it up again. Had the prophet Elijah been slain, his death would have been
merely tragic and of no saving value at all. But the death of Jesus, despite
the injustice and tragedy of it all, proves to be the salvation of the world. All
to enable us to stand before God’s unveiled glory for all eternity.
Elijah was not the last
man of God to be threatened with death by his government. Nine hundred years
later, Jesus warns His apostles the unbelieving world will continue to hate
God’s messengers. The time will come, Jesus says, “when whoever kills you will
think he is offering service to God.” All of this will happen, Jesus adds,
“because they have not known the Father or Me” (John 16:2, 3). Jesus tells His
apostles they will stand before kings and governors for His sake (Matthew
10:18). Herod puts the apostle James to death with the sword (Acts 12:2). Paul
appears before Caesar in Rome. According to tradition, Paul and all the
apostles except for John die a martyr’s death. 1,400 years later, Martin Luther
is excommunicated by the church in Rome and threatened with death by the
emperor. Christians all across the Middle East and in much of Africa face
constant persecution and often death at the hand of Islamic extremists. Whenever
God’s people confess that the Lord is the only God and that Jesus is the only
Savior, they can expect similar hostility and hate from the unbelieving world.
Just a few years ago,
it seemed highly unlikely that could ever happen in a “Christian nation” like
the United States. About the worst thing you had to endure was someone making
fun of you for wanting to get home early enough on Saturday night that you
could get up for Sunday morning worship. But a lot has happened in a few short
years. “Same-sex marriage” went from an issue that even the most liberal
politician wouldn’t touch, to a right somehow written into the constitution, so
essential that it trumps all other rights including the First Amendment
guarantees to practice one’s religion and protecting freedom of political speech.
The rights of transgender students have become so compelling that executive
correspondence directs schools they must allow access to lockers and bathrooms
based upon the nebulous criteria of gender identity rather biological facts.
And those who voice
dissent are bullied into compliance by a Big Brother government, crony
capitalists, or their willing allies in the media. Just ask Kim Davis, the
county clerk who refused to sign marriage licenses for same-sex unions; or
Sandra Mendoza, who after 18 years as a pediatric nurse was told she must
participate in abortions or be fired; or Aaron and Melissa Klein, the Oregon
bakers who were fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake for a “same-sex wedding”;
or Judge Ruth Neely, an LCMS member in Wyoming, who came under fire when she
indicated that she holds the biblical view of marriage as between one man and
one woman, even though her duties do not include solemnizing marriages.
And that’s likely just
the first trickle as the dam holding back the torrent of a rapidly changing
culture is breached. Pockets of Europe are now under Islamic sharia law. Pastors
in Canada face the possibility of arrest for “hate crimes” for preaching
homosexual activity as sin. A Christian film maker who does an exposé of
Planned Parenthood’s alleged involvement in selling parts of aborted babies is himself
indicted on charges of attempting to purchase such parts by a prosecuting
attorney who happens to sit on the local Planned Parenthood’s board of
But even if nothing so
dramatic should ever happen to you, it’s still easy to feel like you’re the
only one trying to follow God, isn’t it? It may be at your place of work, when
the HR department puts on a mandatory seminar offering sensitivity training on
alternative lifestyles or religious accommodation for everyone but Christians.
Perhaps you face this challenge in the classroom, when your instructor starts
talking about evolution and the age of the earth being millions, even billions,
of years without even allowing discussion on the possibility of a young earth
or intelligent design. It could even be in your own home, when your spouse or
children bluntly tell you they don’t want to hear you talk any more about Jesus.
Probably at the worst,
you’ve been personally shunned or felt ostracized because of your faith, but
I’m guessing you’ve not yet feared for your life because of it. The reality is,
that at times, believers may feel the need to flee from those who would destroy
them because of their Christian faith and their profession of that faith. It’s
happened before. Will it come to that in our land? Only God knows. But we do
know this: even if it does happen, you can be sure that the Lord will always be
with you, patiently blessing you with His love, mercy, and grace.
You are not alone. The Lord
has promised that His Church will be in the world until the end of time. St. Paul
assures us that, despite the vicious efforts of Satan, God will always have his
remnant, chosen by grace (Romans 11:1-5).
God alone will
determine when our work on earth is finished. Until that time, He will provide
for His people. As God raised up Elisha to follow in Elijah’s footsteps, so now
is He raising up faithful servants of the Gospel to minister to this generation
and the next. In Baptism, God calls you to be His beloved child. You are not
clothed with the prophet’s mantle, but something even more powerful and
miraculous—the robe of Christ’s righteousness, His death and resurrection. In
the Lord’s Supper, Christ feeds you His true body and blood which strengthens you,
body and soul, for the journey—far more than forty days and nights, but unto
life everlasting. God continues to speak to you through the voice of His called
and ordained servant, encouraging you with forgiveness, life, and salvation in
Jesus, the Word made flesh. Indeed, for Jesus’ sake, you are forgiven for all
of your sins.
In the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English
Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of
Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
[i] Luther, M. (1999). Luther’s works, vol. 3: Lectures on Genesis:
Chapters 15-20. (J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald, & H. T. Lehmann, Eds.)
(Vol. 3, p. 320). Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House.