When the King Settles Accounts
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“Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants” (Matthew 18:23).
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“Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants” (Matthew 18:23).
Grace and peace to you from God
our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
just heard Jesus’ words about winning back an erring brother, Peter asks,
“Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive Him? As many as
seven times?” Peter thinks he is being very generous. After all, the old Jewish
teaching was that three times was enough, and even then you only forgave
someone if he or she first apologized. And generally, it was expected that the
sinner had to make it up to you somehow.
Jesus raises the bar considerably higher: “I do not say to you seven times, but
seventy times seven.” Some translations render this 77 times. Others make this
70 x 7 times, or 490 times. Either way, it’s a lot of times. But neither number
is to be taken literally. Both of them tell us to just keep on forgiving
indefinitely. Don’t keep score and finally decide that enough is enough. Forgive
completely and unconditionally without limits and without keeping record. That’s
the kind of love God gives. You see, if God kept such a record of our sins and
required us to first make amends, He would have written us off long ago. We
need God’s forgiveness over and over every day as long as we live. In the same
way, we must forgive.
To help
us understand this matter of forgiving and being forgiven, Jesus uses a parable.
A king decides to settle accounts with his servants. The first man called in
owes the king a huge debt, ten thousand talents—millions of dollars. This debt is
so tremendous that the man could not possibly ever repay it. So the king orders
that everything the man has, including his wife and children, should be sold in
order to pay at least a portion of that huge debt.
the servant begs for mercy and promises to repay everything, the king has pity
on him, cancels the entire debt, and lets the man go. How grateful that man
should be! But he isn’t. On his
way out, he meet a fellow servant who happens to owe him a relatively small
debt. A hundred denarii is about three months wages for a laborer—nothing at
all compared to the millions of dollars of debt he had just had forgiven. We
might think, it would only be natural that he would cheerfully forgive that
relatively small debt, but instead he becomes violent, grabs the man by the
throat and demands immediate payment in full. He turns a deaf ear to the man’s
pleas for mercy and his promises to pay the debt as soon as possible. He has
him thrown into debtor’s prison in order to settle accounts.
other servants report this to their master, the king immediately calls that
ungrateful servant back, angrily scolds him, and has him thrown into
debtor’s prison. We may assume that he spends the rest of his life in jail
because there is no way he could pay back his huge debt.
him right! He got what he had coming to him! The man is a jerk! How dare he be
so unforgiving after the great mercy that that had just been shown to him! I
hope he rots in the hellish darkness of that prison for the rest of his life! That’s
what we think, isn’t it? But then Jesus hits us right between the eyes. “So
also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not
forgive your brother from the heart.”
You and
I are the ungrateful servant. We are the ones who have been forgiven a great
debt. The few sins our brother has committed against us are puny compared to
the countless times we have sinned against God. We’re the ones holding our
fellow servant by the neck, insisting that he settle accounts that he make up
for each and every wrong he’s ever done to us. All the while, we’ve had
countless thousands, perhaps millions, of sins forgiven.
parable hits everyone’s sinful flesh hard. It is a scary thing to hear Jesus
say, “So also My heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not
forgive your brother from your heart.” Who has not been unforgiving at some
point in his life? How often do you avoid coming to a church function because
you’re upset with somebody? Or refuse to talk to somebody because of something
they did to you? How often in the heat of an argument will you dredge up some
prior offense that should have been buried long ago? If God treated you like
you treat others, what would become of you? Your debt of sin is so heavy that
you would sink into the dark depths of hell, just like the man in the parable.
As you
look at the servant with the impossible debt through the lens of the Law, you
see yourself, so great is your debt of sin. You could never settle your
account. Any efforts or promise you may make about paying that debt are
meaningless. Your debt only gets larger, for you could not possibly earn
forgiveness as fast as you commit more sins. As a matter of fact, you cannot
earn any forgiveness at all. Your only hope is in the mercy of our gracious God.
And He has told you that He freely forgives you all your sins for Jesus’ sake. Your
account is settled. No sin stands between you and your heavenly Father.
And the
same goes for the sins of your brother. You see, Jesus did not just cancel
your debt; He paid it, in full. With His perfect, obedient life and His
innocent suffering and death, Jesus paid for the sins of the world. With His
holy precious blood, Jesus paid for every single sin that’s ever been committed!
Through faith, you receive that gift of
forgiveness solely by grace. Who are you to demand that your brother make
amends to you?
If you
now refuse to forgive someone, you are acting like that unmerciful servant. You
are showing by your actions that you do not really believe in mercy, that you
think people should be held accountable for all their sins. And God then says
to you: “If that is what you believe, then that is the way I will deal with
recognize the fairness of it all every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer and ask
God to “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
We ask God to forgive us in the same way as we forgive others. That means: If
we refuse to forgive someone, don’t forgive us either. Treat us as we believe
people should be treated.
that mean that God forgives you when you repent but cancels that forgiveness
when you refuse to forgive someone else? That is a rather pointless question,
really; it’s a futile attempt to accuse God of being unfair or going back on
His Word. It makes no difference whether He cancels that previous forgiveness
or not. Once you set different standards for yourself, that first new sin you
commit is enough to condemn you for all eternity—and you have already sinned by
refusing to forgive your brother!
wants you to believe that you have a right to refuse to forgive someone who
deliberately harms you, especially if that harm is repeated and the offender
shows no repentance and doesn’t even care about being forgiven by you. The
devil wants you to imagine that you can derive a certain satisfaction from
holding a grudge or even trying to get revenge. But such an unforgiving spirit
is spiritual poison, which harms you most of all and threatens to destroy you
utterly and eternally. When you forgive others as God forgives you, you are the
one blessed by that. When you refuse to forgive others, you endanger your own
faith and salvation.
forgiveness is not yours to give or withhold. Forgiveness is a gift of God’s
mercy and grace. It all belongs to Him! God loved the world so much that He
gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him might not perish but
have eternal life. Christ paid the debt for all sins. The Holy Spirit
distributes that forgiveness through the means of grace. You are not the
forgiver—you are just the conduit through which God forgives your brother.
of it this way. Let’s say you are riding along in a truck, through a country of
many starving people. The truck is filled with food donated by a very wealthy
man. You have neither provided nor procured any of the food. You have, however,
been given this food and asked to hand it out to those who are starving. In
other words, you have been asked to give out these gifts but not to decide
whether someone should receive these gifts or how much they should receive. You
have been asked to give these life-saving gifts even to those too weak and too
starved to request the food. And you are to give them as much as they need.
giving forgiveness, you may ask, “Well, don’t others have to apologize, or at
least first ask for forgiveness?” No! Why not? Because those who are too
spiritually weak and starving often first need to receive God’s powerful and
living Word from Him, through you, so that they can be brought back to life,
spiritually. They don’t even have the strength to ask for what they need the
most: the powerful, life-giving Word of Jesus’ forgiveness.
is not yours to withhold. Forgiveness does not belong to you, but has been
given to you. Forgiveness is a gift of God, which He is asking you to give to
others. Even if the faith of others is so weak they are starving
spiritually—yes, even if they do not say they are sorry—God lovingly has
forgiven you, and He wants His endless gift of forgiveness to flow through you
to others. Settle accounts! Forgive as you have been forgiven!
forgiveness in theory is often much easier than in practice, isn’t it? Discussing
forgiveness is easier than forgiving, especially when a sinful grudge is
involved. As you consider how God desires you to forgive, you may often feel
frustrated. You know you should forgive your brother or sister, but you just
can’t find it in you to do it. You know you should settle accounts, but you
just can’t. What do you do then? You go to the cross and the abundant
forgiveness that Jesus has won there. You draw from the inexhaustible storehouse
of His forgiveness.
it’s often difficult to forgive, yet the remarkable thing about Jesus is that
He forgives you even for the times you don’t perfectly forgive others. God
gives you the strength and ability to forgive. While you cannot generate
forgiveness toward those you who have wronged you, God, in Christ, enables you
to do this miraculous act. Like a powerful, cleansing, and healing agent, God’s
Word of forgiveness goes to work in your heart. God’s Word will prompt and
enable you to do what you cannot (or do not want to) do in your own flesh.
study this parable. Ask God to make His Word and Spirit work in you. God’s
forgiveness will not only come to you, it will flow out of you, forgiving
others. When God’s living Word in Christ comes to you through preaching,
teaching, and receiving the Sacraments, the Word will enable you to do what you
cannot do on your own: forgive others who have wronged you, taking away the
desire to choke them as the wicked servant did.
often should you settle accounts? Forgive others as often as necessary, as
often as the sins continue or recur, since there is no limit to how often God
forgives you. Remember, when you forgive others, you are distributing God’s
forgiveness and not your own. Forgiveness is found in Christ’s name and not in
yours. Only He, the King, can settle accounts. Only He has paid the debt in full.
again, this really is nothing new. You have been aware of this for as long as
you have been privileged to be in the presence of the Lord and follow the
liturgy of His Church. Perhaps for as many Sundays as seventy times seven, even
seventy-seven years, you have confessed your sins and heard these Gospel words
announced by your pastor as the Lord settled your accounts and marked your debt
of sin paid in full: “In the stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ I
forgive you all your sins in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.” Amen