When You Pray, Say: "Our Father Who Art in Heaven"
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The text for today is our Gospel, Matthew 6, which has already been read.
The text for today is our Gospel, Matthew 6, which has already been read.
and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
The theme for our midweek Lenten and Holy Week services
this year is “When You Pray, Say…”
Through readings of the passion narrative, hymns on prayer, and sermons
we will focus upon the 3rd chief part of Luther’s Small
Catechism—The Lord’s Prayer.
You might be thinking: “The Lord’s Prayer for Lent… that
seems strange. What does the Lord’s Prayer have to do with Lent?” Well, historically,
Lent has been a time of intense catechesis (teaching the basic doctrines of the
Christian faith). Lent is a time of repentance and somber reflection. That
makes the focus on the teachings of the Lord’s Prayer from the Catechism
especially appropriate. The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer of repentance. It turns
us away from ourselves and toward our heavenly Father. It reminds us of the
many things He provides to us out of His fatherly, divine goodness and mercy
each and every day. We are especially reminded of the one thing we really need
from God—His forgiveness.
We are all wayward children. We have failed to trust in God
as our loving Father. We have failed to keep God’s name holy among us in our
thoughts, words, and deeds. We have lived as though we were not part of God’s
kingdom. We have failed to realize God’s provision of our daily bread or to always
receive it with thanksgiving. We have fallen into temptation and been overcome
by the evil one. And to top it all off, we have failed to pray as we ought to
pray. And so we pray, “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us.”
Prayer is a habit for the Christian, but experience teaches
that it is a habit easily broken. As Christians, prayer must be a constant in
our life, for we are always in need of God’s mercy and grace.
God is a faithful Father, who wants us to call out to Him in
prayer. Christ gave us the Lord’s Prayer so that we will both know how to
pray and for what to pray. It is not merely a model for prayer but a
prayer that we can use, and should
use regularly, as it was given
to us. While mindless and unthinking repetition presents a problem, repeating
the same prayer throughout one’s life does not. In his Small Catechism, Luther
advises the use of set forms and patterns of prayer and recommends devoting
times throughout each day to pray the Lord’s Prayer.
And because the prayer Jesus taught us is God’s Word, we know
He loves to hear it. God Himself has arranged the words and form of prayer for
us. He places them on our lips for how and what we should pray so that we may
never doubt that such prayer is pleasing to Him and shall certainly be answered.
True prayer is never offered to earn or merit God’s favor, but rather flows
from a heart that is justified through faith. Prayer approaches our holy,
omnipotent God not based upon anything we bring, but solely upon His grace and
Throughout the next seven weeks we will be taught how to
pray and for what to pray as we look at each petition of the Lord’s Prayer. But
before we proceed, we must first understand why we pray. The first thing
to know is that it is our duty to pray because of God’s command, in particular
the 2nd Commandment: “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your
God.” Rather than misusing God’s name we
are required to praise the holy name and call upon it in every need. To call
upon God’s name is nothing other than to pray, for by calling upon God’s name
and praying, His name is honored and used well. Therefore, everybody who fails
to pray is being disobedient to God’s commandment.
In the second place, we should be encouraged and moved to
pray more because God has also added a promise and declared that it shall
surely be done for us as we pray. He says in Psalm 50:15, “Call upon Me in the
day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” And Christ says
in the Gospel of St. Matthew: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you
will find; knock, and it will opened to you. For everyone who asks receives,
and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened”
Such promises certainly ought to encourage and kindle our
hearts to pray with pleasure and delight. For our Lord testifies with His own
Word that our prayer is heartily pleasing to Him, and furthermore, that it
shall certainly be heard and granted. Therefore, whoever does not pray,
trusting in this promise of God, dishonors God and accuses Him of falsehood.
So, given all that we’ve heard about praying—God’s command
and promise concerning prayer—why are we such miserable prayers? Why is there nobody here who is (or at least
nobody who should be) satisfied with his or her prayer life?
What keeps you from praying? Why won’t you pray? Is it your
guilty conscience? Well, is it? A guilty conscience distorts your view of God. A
guilty conscience believes that God is out to get you, to shut you out, destroy
you, damn you, because you’re not who you should be. You’re not who you want to
be. You’re a sinner. And so your guilty conscience tells you that you’re not
worthy. Even worse it tells you that God is guilty of mental and physical
abuse—that He’s rotten and can’t be trusted. No wonder you don’t dare to pray.
Or perhaps you do pray. Like the
hypocrites, putting on a show for all to see. To reveal to all how great you
are, a super-spiritual model of personal piety. Praying, however, essentially
to yourself—a self-sufficient, relying ultimately on yourself kind of prayer.
But I tell you that God is your
Father. And you are His children. He is the Creator. You are the creature. God
the Father loves His children. He gives Himself entirely and completely with
all that He is and all that He has for you His children. He gives and gives and
gives—as Father, whether you realize it or not. He graciously gives to you, for
Above all, He gave His Son Jesus
Christ into death for you and for your salvation. All the enormity of your sin
is answered for in that bloody Good Friday death! What sin of yours didn’t
Jesus die for? What sin of yours did He leave out of His work of salvation?
Yes, that’s right, none! Absolutely
none! All of your sin is atoned for. Because the Father made Jesus who knew no
sin to be sin as He bore and atoned for all sin as the Lamb of God. His holy,
precious blood cleanses you. His blood washes you clean—body and soul… and
And so you, His dear children, have
nothing to fear. God is not out to get you. For Christ’s sake He is delighted
with you! Now your life is reliance on
your Father. That’s prayer. Dependence on Daddy! His children go into their
room, shut the door, and pray. To their
“When you pray,” Jesus teaches, “pray this way: Our Father who art in
heaven.” With these very words God extends a gracious
invitation. With these very words God tenderly invites you to boldly trust in
Him as your Father. With these words God, like the Father that He is, tenderly
invites you to daringly believe that you are His children. He is your dear Father!
And you are His dear children!
“Our Father who art in heaven.” Who
would presume to pray this way? You do, for you are His children! Adopted in
the water and Word of Holy Baptism. Given His Holy Spirit. And by the Holy
Spirit you pray this way—the same way Jesus taught you—“Abba, Father.”
“Our Father who art in heaven.” You
dare to call upon God as our Father because Jesus said so. Because He lived a
life of perfect obedience to His heavenly Father. Because He hung on the cross
for you and for all! Because He rose again from the dead and ascended to the
Father’s right hand for you. Because He baptized you and your brothers and
sisters into His death and resurrection!
“Our Father who art in heaven.”
That’s so unlike the praying of unbelievers who pile up words upon words. Who
go on babbling incoherently for hours. Such babblers get their reward: the
praise of people—nothing more. But Jesus gives you the very words to pray. And
with these very brief words we believe that Jesus’ Father is our Father. And
with these words comes the invitation to pray to our Father with all boldness
and confidence as dear children ask their dear father.
Like a few years ago when my kids
were still all home. I would go into Scheel’s with one them. He or she would
take me to the latest Nikes, and ask me: “Dad, will you buy me these for
I would say something like, “Not
today, but the next time we’re here I will.”
So when we’re at the store again a
week later my kid takes me right up to the shoes and asks: “Dad, will you buy
these for me?”
“Not today,” I’d say. But what do
you think he or she said to their dad? With all boldness and confidence? “But you promised Dad!”
And with my own words they’ve got
me! The shoes are theirs, just as I promised. And I’m delighted to give the
shoes to them. Fathers love to give their children good gifts.
“Our Father who art in heaven.” With these words Jesus promises His Father is
your Father, too. The Father of the Lord Jesus Christ who died for you. For His
Son’s sake He loves you. Accepts you. Embraces you. Delights in you, His
beloved child. You can always speak to Him as Jesus has taught: “Our Father.”
And He’s your heavenly Father with
all that He gives and promises. Indeed, He longs to give you all good things,
but most especially, these good things—His grace and mercy, a place in His
kingdom, an eternal inheritance kept in heaven, eternal life and salvation. Indeed,
in Christ you have it all. That is to say, you are forgiven for all of your
In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Adapted from a sermon
series presented by Brent Kuhlman at a pre-Lenten Preaching Seminar on Luther’s
Small Catechism the 3rd chief part—The Our Father.