Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand!
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text for today is our Gospel lesson, Matthew 3:1: “In those days John the
Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea,
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Grace and peace to you from God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
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"St. John the Baptist" by El Greco |
at it closely, because it’s all there for a reason. John’s preaching in the wilderness of Judea,
next to the Jordan River. He’s eating locusts and wild honey—desert trail
mix, I guess. God once led His people
through the wilderness, and then led them through the Jordan
River on dry ground into the Promised Land. Now, one can go into the wilderness and into
the Jordan,
be baptized by John and have the hope of entering the Promised Land of Heaven.
dressed in camel’s hair and a leather belt.
The last time a prophet wore that get-up, it was Elijah. King Ahaziah heard that a prophet had spoken
against him. And when he heard it was a
hairy man with a leather belt, he knew it was Elijah. Twice he sent a squad of fifty soldiers to
apprehend the prophet. Both times,
Elijah called down fire from heaven that consumed the soldiers. Tradition has it that Elijah was whisked off
to heaven centuries earlier from this very spot.
Elijah returned? Yes, in a sense. John is fulfilling prophecy. He’s the one spoken of by the prophet Isaiah:
“A voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make His
paths straight.’” John’s also fulfilling
the prophecy of Malachi, who promises a messenger to prepare the way for the
Savior, and then identifies the messenger: “See, I will send you the prophet
Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.” And Jesus will later confirm that John is the
Elijah who was to come before Him to prepare the way (Matthew 17:12-13). The setting, the clothing, everything is all
for a reason—to prepare the way of the Lord.
And as
crowds gather to hear this prophet speak and prepare, here is the essence of
his sermon: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” That’s it.
That’s the whole message in a nutshell.
Let’s break it down a bit.
Repent. We normally think of repenting as being sorry
for our sins. This is true enough, but
there’s more to it than that. To
“repent” in the Greek means literally to “change one’s mind.” You can see the obvious part of
repentance. When you repent of sin,
you’re saying, “I thought it was a good thing, but now I know it’s not.” That kind of mind-change only happens by the
grace of God.
again, there’s a greater depth to repentance because there’s a greater depth to
sin. Sin is not just something you do,
but something you are. When John calls
the people to repent, he’s not calling them to change their behavior; he’s calling
them to recognize their sin, their sinfulness.
But he’s also calling them to repent of all of their misconceptions
about the Savior. That’s important. You see, if they have the wrong idea of who
the Savior is supposed to be, then they’re not going to recognize Him when He
makes His appearance.
John the Baptist is called by God to prepare the way of the Lord. He therefore prepares the people by teaching
them the true nature of their sinfulness, so that they see the need for the
Savior. And he prepares them by teaching
them who the Savior is, and what He will do.
For instance, Pharisees and Sadducees both come to see what John is up
to, and each has an idea of what the Savior will be like. Since the Pharisees believe that they’re
saved by keeping rules and doing works, they’re looking for a messiah to show
them how to be saved by their own righteous works. The Sadducees are skeptics who deny the
resurrection of the dead. They want a
messiah who’ll make life in this world better, because they believe this world
is all there is. Pharisees and Sadducees
make strange bedfellows, but they find a common cause in their hatred of
Jesus. They also both believe that God
loves them because they’re descendants of Abraham.
So if
the Pharisees are looking for a messiah who teaches salvation by works and
keeping the Law, they’re not going to follow Jesus, who teaches that no one can
save himself by his own works and righteousness. And if the Sadducees deny the resurrection of
the dead, they’re not going to follow Jesus who has an appointment with a cross
and an empty tomb. Because they’re both
looking for the wrong sort of savior, they’re both going to miss the real one
unless someone sets them straight and prepares them. That’s the work of John the Baptist: “Prepare
the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.”
And you’re not going to get that done with a lot of smooth, sweet
talk. The only thing sweet about John is
the wild honey he eats with his locusts.
And his pastoral demeanor is about as rough as the camel hair robe he
of vipers,” he calls them. They’re
looking to flee from the wrath to come.
But their preconceived notions are going to keep them from believing in
Jesus and will lead them to the judgment they seek to avoid. So, along with repenting of their daily sins,
they need to repent of their untrue expectations. Jesus isn’t going to save them because of
their rules. He isn’t going to make
their life easier. He isn’t going to
save them because of their ancestry. They
need to stop saying, “The Messiah will save us because of who we are and
what we do.” They need instead to
say, “The Messiah will save us because of who He is and what He
does.” Those are the fruits that are in
keeping with repentance —confessing one’s sin and unworthiness, and trusting
that Jesus saves solely by His grace.
brings us to part two of John’s sermon: “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Growing up, I always misunderstood these
words as a dire warning, something along the lines of: “Shape up and be sorry
now or you’re going to be in big trouble.” But John isn’t using the coming kingdom as a
threat to make people fall in line.
Instead, he’s preaching good news.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand—it’s almost there.
Why? Because the King is about to arrive! The Lord Himself is about to make His
appearance. Jesus is about to appear at
the banks of the Jordan
to be baptized by John. After preparing
the crowds for the arrival of the Savior, John will soon point at the Savior—in
the flesh—and cry out, “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the
the fact that Jesus is nearly there explains the two-part sermon: “Repent, for
the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Turn
away from all of your misconceptions of who the Messiah is, and don’t try to
make Him into someone He’s not. He is,
after all, the Son of God—not a piece of clay to be molded. He isn’t going to change to fit your
mind. You must change your mind
to trust in Him. And do it now, because
here He comes for your salvation!
the time will come when He will sweep sinners like chaff into unquenchable
fire, but that time is not yet. Now, He
comes in mercy to go to the cross. Now
He comes to win your redemption, so that you might be part of the harvest for
eternal life. Now He comes to live your
life, to die your death, so that you might die to sin and live to Him. Now He comes to rise from the grave, so that
you might be raised from your grave to everlasting life with Him. But the time is short! So repent and trust in Him now, for He is
here for you!
simple, two-part sermon sums up the proclamation of the Church today. To all those who will hear, we declare,
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
see, when John is preaching, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,”
he’s looking at you. He’s pointing in
your direction. Yes, he means you—the
religious one. Lutheran. Pious Israelite. Pharisee.
Sadducee. Scribe. Tax collector.
Prostitute. Sinner. It doesn’t matter who or what you are. Repent.
Are you good? Then repent of your
goodness—you’re not good enough! Are you
bad? Then repent of your badness—it’s
much worse than you think!
Repent. Get rid of all those preconceived notions of
who you think Jesus ought to be, and instead trust in who He is. This is the Son of God, begotten of the
Father from all eternity who became flesh and was born of the Virgin Mary to be
your Savior. He bore your sin to the
cross and suffered God’s judgment for it there.
He died your death and rose again, conquering death and the grave for
you. He promises to return in glory to
deliver you to everlasting life. That’s
who your Savior is, according to His own Word.
Why would you ever want Him to be something else, something much less,
that’s exactly the temptation that always appeals to our sinful flesh. We want Jesus to be a Savior that He’s not,
instead of the Savior whom He is. We try
to put Jesus in a box and make Him into a messiah of our own liking. In effect, we try to limit the holy Son of
God, to make Him less than He truly is.
the Pharisee in us, which says, “I am saved—at least in part—because of what I
do or who I am. God looks at me and sees
something good. It might be my works or
my intentions or my feelings or my decision to follow Him. But there’s something about me that triggers
His love and Jesus’ salvation for me.”
of this sounds good. But look
again. If you say, “I’m saved, at least
in part because of what I do or who I am,” you’re saying, “Jesus’ death didn’t
quite do enough to save me. I have to
help Him out by doing my part to make up what He didn’t accomplish.”
Do you
see the problem? That desire to play a
part in your salvation ends up robbing Jesus of His glory and taking some of it
for you. And if you persist in believing
that your works contribute to your salvation you’re not going to listen to your
Lord who declares He saves you by His grace alone. And if you believe in your works enough,
you’ll miss the Savior who did all the work.
By the grace of God, change your mind!
Or, in the words of the text, repent!
also the Sadducee in us, which says, “All I want out of Jesus is help for this
life. If He gets me out of a jam, cures
my ailments, or keeps me wealthy and prosperous and out of trouble, well,
that’s the savior I’m looking for. I’m
not really concerned with abstract concepts like judgment, the resurrection of
the dead, or eternal life. I want a
savior who’s going to help me to have a better life, a life of purpose here and
the sort of savior that you’ll find from popular television preachers or pop
Christian authors. But if this is the
Savior you’re looking for, you’ll pass right by Jesus. He declares that He’s sacrificed Himself to
make you holy with God, not to make you popular or successful in the
world. In fact, He warns that the world
will persecute the Church. He tells you
that He disciplines His children and even uses affliction and weakness to
strengthen their faith. No, if you’re
looking for a savior to make this world paradise, you’ll go right by
Jesus. He came to deliver you from this
world to everlasting paradise. Better
change your mind while there’s time! In
other words, repent!
And as
if that weren’t enough, there’s still that Old Adam in all of us that just
doesn’t want to be righteous, that wants to hold onto sin. That sinner in us constantly tempts us with
thoughts like, “Jesus is so loving that I can hold onto this sin for any number
of reasons. Maybe it makes my life
easier. Maybe I’m afraid to live without
it. Maybe I’m addicted to it. Maybe I just like it. At any rate, the savior that I have in mind
is one who tells me that those sins are okay, they’re not so bad, that I’m
okay, he’ll save me anyway.”
a popular idea of Jesus in today’s world, too.
But it’s not the Jesus proclaimed by the Scriptures. That Jesus declares, “Let you hold on to sin? I’ve already carried all your sins to the
cross and suffered them there. The only
way you can have them now is to take them back from Me. I didn’t go to the cross to let you hold on
to such poison. I died to set you free!”
Do you
see? To hold onto sin now, any sin, is
to say that you want a Savior who dies for most of your sins, but not all of them. It’s to say that Jesus isn’t quite so
righteous and holy that He won’t let a few slip by. But that’s not the Savior Jesus Christ who
promises forgiveness and eternal life.
Change your mind while there’s still time! In other words, repent! Repent, because there is still time! Repent, because the kingdom of heaven is at
hand! Nearer now than it was before.
look forward to Christmas in just a couple weeks’ time, and marvel that Mary
holds her newborn Creator to her breast.
The King is born in Bethlehem,
which is why the shepherds will gather there, too. But dear friends, the King is just as near to
you as He is to His mother Mary the day of His birth. He graces you with His presence in His Word
and His Sacraments. He does not yet come
with winnowing fork, to sweep the sinner into judgment. Still now, He comes with grace—to strengthen
your faith, to prepare you for everlasting life. Jesus comes through these means of grace,
bringing forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life. Indeed, for Jesus’ sake, you are forgiven for
all of your sins.”'
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.