Distracted? Anxious? Sit at Jesus' Feet!
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“Martha was distracted…”
Now there’s a phrase we can relate to. Finally, here’s a person in the Bible we can
really understand. Martha is a woman
after our own hearts. Distracted… and
there is much to be distracted about. Jesus
has come to her village. She has
“welcomed Him into her house.” He is an
honored guest and that means much preparation.
We don’t know how many have come with Jesus, but there could perhaps be
dozens. That takes a lot of food. And in the days before carryout, refrigerators,
or microwave ovens, that means first going to the market or garden to get fresh
meat, fruit, and vegetables. And then
preparing everything from scratch, spending hours over a hot stove.
The text for today is our Gospel,
Luke 10:38-42, which has already been read.
Grace and peace to you from God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

Well, you get the idea.
There are simply a lot of things that need to be done. “Martha,” the text says, “was distracted with
much serving.” She is being pulled
around the house concerning the many things of serving her guests. Martha is busy… she is busy with the things
of life… she is busy with the things that need to be done. And that is where we can relate to
Martha. Life is busy. There are lots of things to do. Have you said or heard any of these things at
your house?
“Didn’t we say that we’re going to slow down and not do so
many things?”
“After the corn is planted things won’t be so rushed. We’ll have a little time for a breather.”
“I know I said I’d help you, but the house still needs to
be painted. I’ve been trying to get to
it for weeks now and it still isn’t finished.”
“Mom, did you forget I had to be at the fair today? I’m supposed to work at the food booth.”
“This is Dr. Smith’s office calling. We had you down for an 11:30 a.m.
appointment. Do we need to reschedule?”
“Honey, I’d really just like to stay home tonight. When was the last time that we all sat down
together for a family meal?”
“Hello Joe, this is John.
I’m serving on the nominating committee at church. I know you are already serving as a Sunday
School teacher, but…”
A thousand things pulling us a thousand different
directions. And it never seems to
stop. Back and forth. To school.
To work. Back home. To church.
Busy and distracted. Anxious and
troubled by many things. That’s why we
can relate to Martha. She, too, is being
pulled back and forth. To the kitchen to
check on the food. To the bedrooms to
check on the beds. So many places to be
at once. So much running around to make
sure everything is ready.
Well, at first reading we might get the idea that there is
something wrong with what Martha is doing.
Because, after all, Jesus does give her a minor rebuke. But the truth of the matter is that she is
doing a good thing. Especially as far as
the culture is concerned. You have to
take care of your guests. Look at all
the trouble Abraham went through when he had visitors. Gave them a place to wash up and rest. Set up a banquet with the finest food and
drink available. Abraham went to a lot
of trouble to take care of his guests.
Martha wants to serve Jesus out of her love for Him. He has come to her house at her invitation. She wants Him to be comfortable. As a more recently famous Martha might say: “It’s
a good thing” for Martha to want to serve Jesus.
But there is a very strong contrast in this reading
today. Look at the text again. Before we are even told how busy Martha is,
we are told about Martha’s sister, Mary.
And what is Mary doing? That’s
right! She is sitting at the Lord’s
feet, listening to what He has to say. Mary,
too, is motivated by her love for Jesus.
But she is not distracted. She sits
at Jesus’ feet listening to Him.
Well, the contrast does not go unnoticed by Martha,
either. And she’s not very happy about
it. I imagine she, too, would like to be
able to sit at Jesus’ feet listening to Him.
But there are things that need to be done. And I can imagine the conversation that began
to take off in her mind. “Doesn’t Mary
see that I am busy? Why doesn’t she help
me for a little bit, so that I can listen, too?”
That’s when the fireworks begin. It’s like a scene straight of Chef Ramsey’s
Hell’s Kitchen. The roast is in danger
of being overcooked. The vegetables are
getting soggy. The temperature in the
kitchen is rising. And it’s getting a
little hot under Martha’s collar, too.
Distraction leads to anxiety. And
anxiety gives way to anger. Martha slams
her spoon down, storms out of the kitchen, and lashes out.
And at whom does she lash out? Not her sister! No.
Her guest! The One she is totally
focused on, the reason for all of her feverish preparations. She lashes out at Jesus! “Lord!
Don’t You care that my sister has left me to serve all alone? Don’t You care that I’m in the kitchen
slaving away over a hot stove while she sits there all doe-eyed at Your feet
doing nothing? How about cutting the
chitchat and telling her to get her lazy rear end in the kitchen to help me!”
In a way, this real life episode illustrates the point of
the parable we heard last week about the Good Samaritan. The Law says love God and love your
neighbor. This is a good thing. A very good thing. And yet, the Law cannot produce this
love. If you think you can work up love
for God and love for the neighbor yourself, you will end up as distracted and
anxious and troubled as Martha. The very
guest she loves and wants to serve becomes the object of her anger, which spills
over to her sister. And therein is the problem. If all we have to work with is divine rules
and regulations, whether Ten Commandments from Moses, or twelve life principles
from Joel Osteen, or the laws of attraction from Oprah, or the 613 dos and
don’ts of the Pharisees, if all we have is the Law, we will end up hating God
and hating our neighbor.
Martha’s problem is not her service, but her lack of
freedom. She wants to please Jesus. She wants to serve Him with her very best. And yet, it all fails. She winds up yelling at Jesus and getting
angry with her sister. She is distracted
by much service, anxious and troubled about many things, when only one thing is
necessary. Sometimes a person has to
choose between the lesser of two evils.
But, in this case, we might say that Martha has to choose between the
greater of two goods. There is the good
of serving the Lord. And there is the
good of sitting at His feet and receiving Jesus’ Word. Both are good. But one is better!
Get this—and let it be forever etched in your memory: the
good of receiving Jesus is better than the good of serving Him. Busily working for Jesus and hearing Him in
the preached Word are both good. But
hearing Jesus in the preached Word is better.
Serving others and receiving Jesus in His Supper are both good. But receiving Jesus’ body and blood for your
forgiveness is better. Actively working
for the Lord and passively receiving His Word are both good. But if forced to choose, it is better for you
to be passive and to receive from Christ.
This truth is so deep and runs so much against our nature
and popular opinion that we have to let it rewire us even when we come to
worship in the Lord’s house. We
naturally want to be a Martha when we come to worship. We want to be doing something for the Lord,
just like her. Our natural understanding
about worship is that it is all about what we do for God. But that’s wrong! Worship is really about what God does for us!
Jesus, in effect, says: “Don’t just do something… sit
here! During this sacred hour, I, the
Lord, am doing the work. I am the One
who feeds you through the Word read, preached, announced, and distributed. It is only after I have fed you with My Word,
then you are to serve, as you go from this place into the world.” As He said upon another occasion: “The Son of
Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom
for many.”
In the midst of Martha’s busy, distracted life, Jesus
Christ comes to serve her. In the midst
of our busy, distracted lives, Jesus Christ has come to give us the one thing
that we need most—Himself! Jesus Christ
comes to serve. And He serves us far
beyond all our ability to serve ourselves.
Jesus is the one necessary thing.
We need nothing but Jesus and His life-giving Word.
And yet, don’t we often find ourselves in Martha’s
shoes? Busy with so many things that we
have no time to rest in the Lord? So
busy that we have no time to hear His Word, to receive His body and blood. Distracted by this thing and that other
thing. Thinking about what we must do in
order to please God. But if we are to
please God at all, there must first be faith.
And faith comes by hearing, sitting with Mary at Jesus’ feet and being
given to.
We need to repent of our busyness. We’ve let many things get ahead of the one
important thing. We’ve let so many
things get between us and Jesus. The
symptoms are all there. Frustration,
anger, snapping at each other, griping, finger-pointing. When you sense that in yourself, read the
symptoms of busyness and hear the gracious invitation of Jesus: “Come to Me,
all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Just be quiet for a while and listen. I know; it’s hard to do. We’re so tuned to being busy. The way of our world is Martha, not
Mary. But the way of the world leads to
death. Sit and listen. Jesus is here to give to you. There’s plenty of opportunity to serve, but
what good is our service if it simply burns us out on the Lord and on each
other? So sit down at Jesus’ feet for a
bit. Listen to His Word of grace and
peace. Let Him serve you.
He already has. When
we deserved death because of our sin and selfishness, Jesus served us by dying
for us. When we deserved God’s wrath and
punishment for our rejection of God’s control of our lives, Jesus served us by
enduring that wrath and punishment. When
we deserved to die and stay dead, Jesus served us by rising from the dead and
breaking death’s hold on us forever.
But that isn’t all.
Jesus is here right now to serve us again. We gather together before Him bringing our
load of sins: “We have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed.” “Have mercy on us,” we pray. “Serve us, Lord Jesus.” And He answers with forgiveness through His
Word. He comes to His Table here both as
host and food, serving us with forgiveness of sins. He regularly comes to serve us here, and we
come to be served. Jesus knows the one
thing needful and He comes here to bring it to us, week after week.
Yes, but even so, there’s still a lot of Martha in each of
us. We are so easily distracted. Life is so distracting it invades our
thoughts even here in worship. Don’t
show your hands, but answer this question silently to yourself: How many of you
have been thinking about something else today, rather than listening to the
sermon or focusing on the words of our hymns?
I know it happens, because sometimes I’m so busy thinking about what I
need to do next in the service that I don’t really hear what God’s Word is
saying to me, either.
Let’s face it! There
are a lot of things that can distract us—even a lot of good things. Just think of all the things that have to
happen just so we can gather together here for worship. There is much service going on. There are ushers, elders, cleaners, greeters,
and the organist all serving Jesus. The
communion ware needs to be set up. The
hymn numbers have to be posted. The bulletins
are copied and folded. The offering
needs to be counted. There are parents
who have to get up early to get their kids fed and dressed for church.
All of these things are helpful. All of these things are good. All of these things are done because we want
to serve Jesus. Jesus has come to this
house and we want to serve Him. But our
minds can be pulled back and forth with all the preparation. We can be easily distracted from the one
thing that is necessary. We can forget
that the reason we are here is because Jesus is here, and He brings the gifts
He has won for us by His life, death, and resurrection.
But Jesus never forgets.
Jesus is never distracted. Jesus
always comes. For the one thing that is
necessary—for Him to serve you and me.
So, clear your mind. Sit at
Jesus’ feet. Jesus is here. He has gifts to give you. Listen.
Jesus is saying to you right now, “My child, My child. I am here today. I know that you love Me. Don’t be anxious. Don’t be troubled. Don’t be distracted by all these many
things. Right now I am saying things I
want you to hear. I am bringing you the
one thing that is necessary, the one thing you cannot live without—My Word.
“In My Word you have everything you need. You have the good portion, which will not be
taken away from you. You have eternal
life and salvation and forgiveness without end.
Why, I even forgive you for your distraction, anxiety, and worry. Indeed, I forgive you for all of your sins.”
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.