Who Is Worthy?
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"Adoration of the Lamb" by Jan van Eyck |
text for today is Revelation 5:1-2: “Then I saw in the right hand of Him who
was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed with
seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming
with a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?’” This is the Word of the Lord.
Grace and peace to you from God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
readings today, three different views of Jesus.
Each of them, vitally important.
All of them together give us a picture of who Jesus is for us and what
He is doing. We’ll look at them
chronologically (at least from an earthly perspective). (1) Jesus as He appeared on earth to His
disciples sometime during the forty days between His resurrection and
ascension. (2) As He appeared to Saul of
Tarsus on the road to Damascus
about three years after His death and resurrection. And (3), Jesus as He appeared to St. John during His exile at Patmos
shortly before the end of the 1st century A.D. The same Jesus, crucified and risen.
In our
Gospel, St. John describes an appearance of
Jesus to seven of His disciples on the shores of the Sea of Tiberius,
the same lake where Jesus originally had called the fishermen to make them fishers
of men. Whether on account of
discouragement, confusion, despair, or boredom as they wait for Jesus to meet
them in Galilee, we don’t know why, but now
they seem to be returning to the fishing business. Peter says, “Let’s going fishing,” and the
others disciples agree.
like the previous time, the night goes by without any fish in the nets. At daylight a figure stands on the
shore. He calls them “children” and asks
if they have any food. When they say “No,”
He tells them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat. Again, an illogical bit of advice. How is the right side going to differ from
the left for catching fish? What
difference would a few feet in one direction or the other make? But at His word, they do… and it does!
again, the net is full—big fish this time; and even so, the net doesn’t burst
as they struggle to bring it to shore. John
gives the count: 153 fish. A number that
means absolutely nothing except that it rings of fact. Someone took the time to count them, and John
took the trouble to record it so you would believe what he was writing, right
down to the smallest detail. That’s how
it is with eyewitness testimony.
Witnesses tend to remember strange, often insignificant details. Like 153 large fish—all of them “keepers.” It’s the kind of thing you’d expect a
fisherman to remember. It was their
livelihood, their business.
the prior catch of fish—the one that took him away from the fishing business
and set him on the road to follow Jesus—John tells Peter: “It is the
Lord!” Peter puts his robe back on and
jumps into the water. Isn’t that
strange? How many of you, if you were
out on a boat and decided you wanted to go for a swim, would take the time to
put on more clothing. What’s up with
submit to you that Peter realized He wasn’t dressed properly to greet Jesus. But being stripped down to his underwear was
the least of his concerns. Peter was
aware of his own unworthiness. He knew
he had failed the Lord miserably. He had
denied even knowing Jesus, this bold disciple who was always so quick to
speak. And so he put on the robe for
cover and jumped into the water, which baptismally speaking is not a bad idea.
clothing before the holy God is our baptism, which we wear like a garment. Christ’s robe of righteousness covers our
shame. You’ll recall the Fall and how
when Adam and Eve sinned against God they became self-aware and realized their
own nakedness and tried to cover themselves with fig leaves? But it was God who had to clothe them with
animal skins. He covered them with the
death of another. The first blood shed
for sin. And so we have this reflex,
too. We don’t want to be caught
undressed. We feel vulnerable,
exposed. Some even have a recurring
dream of showing up to work and forgetting to get dressed.
robed, Peter jumps into the water. Can’t
be having the Lord see him in his undies!
When the disciples get to shore, Jesus has breakfast waiting: bread and
fish. Again, another miracle is
recalled—the feeding of the 5,000. This
time it’s just seven that Jesus is feeding.
It seems He’s always feeding.
wants you to think of the Lord’s Supper here.
You are the invited guests. Jesus
takes what we bring to the table and makes it so much more. He takes our simple gifts and makes them into
His gifts, and with His gifts come all that He died and rose to win for us—forgiveness,
salvation, and eternal life. Not simply
breakfast, but a feast. Not simply bread
and wine, but His body and blood. Not
simply nourishment for this body and life, but soul food—food for eternal life.
Lord also appears to Saul on the road to Damascus. This is a man who earnestly believes in his
mission. No one questions the zeal of
Saul, and no one wants to get in his way.
He’s no vigilante, but has the sanction of his superiors. There’s little doubt that much of the
population agrees with him. But Saul
isn’t really worried about public opinion.
He’s operating on the utter conviction that he is doing is God’s
will. And if God is for him, who will be
against him?
So Saul
leaves on his first, and last, missionary journey as a Pharisee. His mission is to find anyone who calls on
the name of Jesus. And when he finds
them, he is to arrest them and haul them back to the chief priests for a
trial. If they have to die, so be it,
because they’re destructive to his religion.
Saul is
an admirer of Moses and the law; and he’s based his whole existence on keeping
the rules. God spoke to Moses directly
on Mt. Sinai from His cloud of glory. What could be better? But these Christians have a different
message. They teach faith in Jesus
Christ. Rather than insist on perfect
obedience, they declare that Christ forgives them for their sin. Saul will not tolerate this for it threatens
his worldview; and Saul fervently believes that his way is God’s way. In the name of the one true God, then, he’s
going to destroy anyone who call themselves the Way.
On the
road to Damascus,
Saul gets to be like Moses. The glorious
Lord speaks to him from the midst of a bright light. But there’s no comfortable affirmation. The great I AM who speaks to Saul identifies
Himself: “I AM Jesus, who you are persecuting.”
When Jesus leaves, Saul is blind and in despair, his world is turned
upside-down. His entire life and creed
has crumbled to dust.
Three days later, the Lord speaks to a man named Ananias and sends
him to Saul. He tells Ananias to go and
make a disciple, baptizing and teaching him what the Lord has said. So the reluctant pastor goes to Saul. He speaks God’s Word, and Saul can see. He baptizes him, and Saul is forgiven.
From there, we see the grace of God at work in Saul. He immediately goes to the synagogues and
preaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Once he used Moses and the law as his reason to stamp out Christianity,
from now on he’ll show how Moses pointed to Christ. And he will go on more missionary journeys as
Paul, the Lord’s foremost missionary to the Jews, Gentiles, and kings.
And his message is always the same. He proclaims Christ crucified and risen. He emphasizes the importance of pure doctrine
and Holy Baptism. He writes about the
Lord’s Supper and insists that it be kept according to God’s Word. That’s what Saul would be all about. Keep the Lord’s Word pure with the focus on
Christ and His means of grace; and get that message out to the ends of the
What happened that day?
There really is no explanation than what the text gives us. Saul encountered the risen and glorified
Jesus that day. He saw Jesus in His risen
and ascended glory and it forever changed him.
People don’t generally retool their theology so quickly. And it’s a reminder to us that the Lord is
still active today. He’s not “gone” in
the sense that He’s not here. He just
can’t be seen. He’s very much alive and
active at the right hand of God, lording His death and resurrection over the
whole creation. He’s still calling and
sending preachers of His Gospel now through the means of His Church, which is
His body.
Speaking of His body: Did you notice what Jesus said to Saul that
day? “Why are you persecuting me?” Saul was persecuting Christians not
Christ. He didn’t know. But you see, to persecute Christians is the
same as persecuting Jesus. He takes it
personally. To persecute the Bride is to
persecute her Groom. They are one
flesh. You cannot claim to love Jesus in
one breath and yet hate His body, the Church, in the next breath. They are joined together as one.
John was worshiping on Sunday on the island of Patmos with other
persecuted Christians when he was privileged to see Christ in His glory and see
the heavenward side of worship, the side we can’t see but confess when say,
“with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven.” We can’t see this with our own eyes yet, but
we are given the gift of John’s report in the Revelation.
John sees a scroll with seven seals in the right hand of God. It contains a prophetic message that for the
moment is closed to everyone. It would
remain closed and its contents unknown until the worthy person came to claim
it. A mighty angel sends out the call:
“Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” But there was no such figure in all of God’s
creation, not even among the angels. No
one was worthy, for no one had earned the right to stand before the presence of
God and lay legal claim to the scroll.
John senses the great need that someone be found to receive the
scroll, for he began to weep. One of the
elders comforts him, introducing John to Christ as “the Lion of the tribe of Judah”
and “Root of David.” Both titles from
the Old Testament refer to Christ’s human origin and descent. From the tribe of Judah the Messiah would come; and
the lion was the symbol of His messianic reign and power (Genesis
49:8-10). He would be a direct
descendant of David, and as such would be the everlasting King upon whom all
the nations would place their hope for salvation (Isaiah 42:4; 49:1, 6). He is the Lamb who was slain. He would earn the right to take the scroll
and open it by His death and resurrection.
John’s eyes are completely focused on the victorious Lamb, who is
about to be received by God and about to have conferred on Him the royal
authority to receive and open the scroll.
The Lamb of God is both God and man.
He stands in the center of the throne because He and the Father,
although two separate persons, are one God from all eternity. Jesus became fully human in order to be slain
and take away the sin of the world. He
appears here as a victor whose work is finished.
All that we know—and all we can ever know—about the mystery of the
Trinity is depicted in John’s vision of the throne. Verse 1 describes one throne with one person
holding the scroll. John sees the Lamb
“in the center of the throne,” possessing seven horns and seven eyes, “which
are the seven spirits of God.”
Previously, John spoke of the Holy Spirit as the seven spirits before
the throne (1:4; 3:1; 4:4). Jesus sends
the Spirit from the Father “into all the earth” to testify about Him. There is only one throne, but three distinct
persons occupy it.
It becomes evident as the Lamb opens each seal that the scroll has
to do with events on earth from the time of Christ’s victory and ascension to
the end of all earthly things. The
prophetic message is about the tribulation and suffering the human race will
experience, but its ultimate purpose is to strengthen the Church’s faith and to
encourage her in the midst of all the sufferings to remain faithful to Christ
and so to attain the promise of everlasting glory. Humanity is not under the guidance of some
mindless force and is not subject to the ambitions of people, but rather it is
under the will and power of God as now exercised by Christ who rules everything
on behalf of His heavenly Father for the benefit of His Church, so she will be
protected in faith and hope and enabled to carry out her mission to the End.
St. John’s account is a picture of
the exaltation of Jesus Christ at the right hand of God as it appeared from
heaven’s view at His ascension. As the
disciples saw the Lord taken up from them to disappear into the heavens, Jesus
was enthroned and crowned as Lord so as to rule everything on behalf of His
What John sees, in earthly time, had taken place some years before
at the Mount of Olives. However, the celebration that began some two
thousand years ago was initiated at the Lord’s enthronement is still going on
and will continue into eternity. Heaven
broke into a joyful song and celebration that will go on forever: “Worthy
are You to take the scroll and to open its seals, for You were slain, and by
Your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people
and nation, and You
have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the
is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and
honor and glory and blessing!”
Who is worthy? The Lamb who was slain. He feeds us.
He forgives us. He sends us. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin
of the world. We come to Him broken,
lost, confused, rebellious, self-righteous, blind, and dead in our sin. Jesus gathers us, He calls us, He baptizes
us, He gives us His Spirit, He grants us faith to see Him for who He is. He feeds us with the bread of His body; He
refreshes us with the wine of His blood. He sends us into a broken and lost world with
the good news of His victory on our lips.
We are
reminded today too that being a Christian is no exemption from suffering. Saul would learn what it meant to suffer for
Jesus’ name’s sake. We too will learn in
the school of experience. John suffered
exile on an island because of Jesus. Peter
was crucified upside down confessing the Name of Jesus. We have no idea what awaits us in the days and
years ahead, although we can be sure that living as a Christian will only get
more difficult as the end grows nearer.
But we do know this. We belong to the Lord. We are baptized into His death and life. We have died with Christ. We’ve been raised with Him. We are glorified with Him. He is with us, with His gathered people, in a
most profound way—feeding, sending, forgiving. We do not worship some dead and departed
religious figure or some merely inspirational leader. We worship the crucified and risen One, the
Lamb who was slain but lives, the Lord of creation whom even the wind and waves
and fish obey. The One seen by Mary
Magdalene, by the apostles, by Saul on the road to Damascus,
by John on the island
of Patmos. The One we
will see again on His Day when He appears in glory.
“To Him
who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and
might forever and ever!” Amen