Jesus: The Truth Who Sets You Free
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Painting of Martin Luther by Lucas Cranach. |
The text for this observation of Reformation Day is John 8:31-32:
“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, ‘If you abide in My
word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set
you free.’”
Grace, mercy, and peace to you from
God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our text, like many other passages
of Scripture, is often misused and taken out of context. The words “the truth will set you free” are
isolated, so that any learning that might help us to find “truth” (whatever
that may be) is praised. We see the
words on libraries and as secular college mottoes. We hear them on the lips of our post-modern intellectual
and political leaders. But we don’t hear
Whose Word reveals the truth that
sets us free. We don’t hear Who is the Truth that sets us
free. We don’t hear about Jesus Christ
and Him crucified.
And unfortunately this is not
limited to the outside world. This goes
on in many a church body that calls itself Christian—even among some that claim
to be spiritual descendants of Martin Luther.
In the name of tolerance, sin is recast as “choice” and “alternative
lifestyle.” Or morality is taught, but at
the expense of the Gospel, as pastors preach principles of Christian living rather
than Christ crucified for sinners. Truth,
it seems, is as difficult to nail to the wall as the Jell-O salad that Garrison
Keillor claims so typifies us Lutherans.
Jesus originally spoke the words of
our text to those whose belief in Him was superficial. They were “hangers on,” but not really
disciples. And just as there’s no such
thing as “almost pregnant,” there is no such thing as “almost a disciple.” You either are or you are not. There are no half measures. Discipleship means accepting all of Jesus’
teaching and remaining faithful to it.
That’s what Jesus means when He says to “abide in My Word”—to hold to
His teaching.
We still have Jesus’ Word
today. His Word leads us to Him and
keeps us with Him. Here we learn the
truth that sets us free. We learn that
Jesus is God sent from God to save us from sin.
We learn that Jesus leads us to our heavenly Father. We learn that the Holy Spirit calls us to
faith through the Word. This truth set
us free—free from the curse of sin, free from death, free for eternal
But we see from our Gospel it’s not
just a recent phenomenon that people misunderstand and misapply Jesus’
words. The unbelievers in the crowd
challenged Jesus’ offer of freedom. They
claimed a freedom already that not even the occupational forces of Rome could harness. They were children of Abraham. That gave them special status with God. They were not and never would be slaves to
anyone. Who was Jesus to tell them they
needed to become free men?
Jesus explained where they were
wrong. Freedom is not a matter of being
direct descendants of Abraham or defying earthly captors. It is the universal truth that everyone who
sins is a slave to sin. Only those set
free from sin are truly free.
Slaves become part of a household
and even experience some of the benefits of the household. But they can never be sure of their future
status; they can be sent away because they have no lasting claims. By contrast, a son belongs in the household
forever. He is family. The Jews’ connections with Abraham brought
them into the household, but their sinfulness made them slaves. To be free, they needed the Son of the
heavenly Father to set them free from their sins. Then they could claim family privileges in
the household. Then they could be truly
From 1st century Jerusalem, fast forward 1500 years to Wittenberg, Germany. A young monk named Martin Luther was sure
that God was angry with him. He knew he didn’t measure up. He was
convinced he was going to hell. In the Scriptures, there was the
righteousness God required. Luther knew he didn’t have it. He’d go
to Confession so often his father confessor told him to come back when he had
real sins to confess. But, there was no comfort. No peace.
Slavery. That’s what that
is. Slavery to sin. Slavery to not being able to live up to God’s
Law. Martin Luther was a slave, and he knew it because he took God’s Word
and his own sin seriously, much more seriously than most of us from the baby
boom, x or y generations. Like Jesus’
Jewish opponents we refuse to acknowledge that we are slaves to anything, much
less our own sin and shortcomings. Even
worse, heavily influenced by the moral relativism of our post-modern age we
have a difficult time accepting anything as absolute truth.
We are all slaves to sin. Don’t believe me? Check yourself in the mirror of God’s
Law. Do you fear, love, and trust in God
above all things? Do you honor God’s
name, calling upon Him in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks? Do you hold God’s Word sacred and gladly hear
and learn it? Do you honor your parents
and other authorities? Do you help and support
your neighbor in every physical need? Do
you lead a sexually pure and decent life in what you think, say, and do? Do you help your neighbor improve and protect
his possessions? Do you defend your
neighbor’s reputation, speak well of him, and explain his actions and words in
the kindest way? Are you satisfied with
those people and things God has placed in your life? Do you do all of these things perfectly? Always?
An honest examination will show you
your sin. And the closer you look, the
more you will see just how pervasive this sin is. Sin is not like a pair of dirty
socks—something on the outside that you can just cast off. No, sin infects you to the core of your
soul. By nature, you are sinful—full of
sin. Completely saturated with sin. In that utter sinfulness, you are so blinded
that you cannot see the danger you are in.
You are so dead that there is no way you can make yourself free.
You were born a slave to sin. And deny it as you might, that is the reality
of life apart from faith in Christ. With
slavery comes fear—for the slave isn’t part of the family. Not a child of
God. And if you aren’t sons of God… if you aren’t part of God’s family…
then you are lost.
The more Dr. Luther tried to get
right with God, the worse he felt. The more he read the Scriptures, the
more they seemed closed to him. The more God was unapproachable. Then, he came to this verse: “The
righteous shall live by faith.”
Is that true?
Could it be that easy? Could it be that free? Are you really
made righteous not by what you do or don’t do, but by what Christ did for you
on the cross? Does His perfect life, death, and resurrection count
for you?
Yes, it does! For when the Son
sets you free, you are free indeed. Free from the slavery to your
sins. Free from a bad conscience. Free
from the slavish fear of God. Free from hell. Free from
suffering. Free from eternal death.
Paul says, “We maintain that a man is justified by grace apart from works of
Law.” We maintain that we are saved by Jesus, not by what we do,
don’t do, have done, or try to do. We maintain that what Christ did on the cross counts for you
and me. His righteousness is credited to us by faith. That realization—that the righteous shall
live by faith—opened the Scriptures for Dr. Luther! He ran through the
entire Bible and found the Gospel everywhere.
Are we slaves to sin? Yes, all who sin are slaves to sin.
Are we free? Also yes.
When the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.
That’s the proper distinction of Law
and Gospel. That’s justification by grace through faith in Jesus
Christ. Once Dr. Luther understood this truth, everywhere he looked in
the Scriptures, he found Jesus Christ crucified for him, for you, for me, for
the world. He found comfort for troubled consciences. He found
forgiveness of sins. Heaven for free! Free and for all! Free
on account of Christ.
Free for you and me, that is. But, that doesn’t mean it was easy. It doesn’t mean that it was free. This
freedom came at great cost: the cost of the life of the Son of God. He
was treated as a slave. He was stripped down. He was beaten as if
he had been unfaithful. He was bruised for our iniquities, crushed for
our transgressions, lifted up for our sins. He died our death. He suffered our hell.
Christ has set you free. His
death set you free. It bought you back,
redeemed you from slavery to sin, death, and the power of the devil. You
are saved not with gold or silver but with the Christ’s holy and precious blood
and His innocent suffering and death.
You are not saved by anything that you do or don’t do. The Son has set you free—you are free indeed!
It’s not about you… it’s about
Christ for you. Only Jesus who lived a
perfect life in your place. Only Jesus
crucified for the sins of the world. Only Jesus risen from the dead for
you. Only Jesus ascended into heaven for
you. Only Jesus present for you in His
means of grace. That’s the Gospel.
Thank God!
Now, since we are observing
Reformation Day I’d like to make one more point about truth and freedom and our
status as Lutherans. There seems to be a
trend in Lutheranism today to be embarrassed about our faith. To dodge
it. To run from the word “Lutheran.” To cower from it.
Don’t fret. Luther didn’t like
the term either. Who wants to have a religion named after them? It
usually indicates a heresy or sect. But,
Luther came to treasure the term “Lutheran” for one reason: the term
Lutheran means that we confess that a man is saved by grace alone, through
faith alone, in Christ alone, with Scripture alone as our authority and guide. Lutheran means that we accept the Word of God
as being completely true and reliable, having the power of salvation.
Dear saints of God, we aren’t
Lutherans because most of us have ancestors who came from Europe.
There are Lutherans on every continent. In
fact, it may surprise you to learn that there are three times as many Lutherans
living in Africa as North America. The Gospel is for all. We aren’t
Lutherans because of our good hymns—we all know that there are a few clunkers
in our hymnals! We aren’t even Lutherans because of the potlucks—even
though some of us might be bigger
Lutherans thanks to our potlucks. No, we
are Lutherans because, by God’s grace, we have been led by the Holy Spirit to
see and believe the truth that sets you free.
If you think you are free because of
who you are or what you have done, you are sadly mistaken. If you think you are holy and have no need of
forgiveness, then I have nothing for you today. In fact, I can do you no
good. As Luther said many times, “God save me from a church of holy
people.” But, if you have a bad conscience…
if you know that there is something that you have done that makes God
angry… if you know that you have no hope, no life, no salvation of
yourself… then I have something for you—the truth that sets you free.
When the Son sets you free, you are
free indeed. You are free. Freed by the Son. Free to repent
of the evil things that you have done and be forgiven. Free to care for those around you. Free
to forgive those who don’t deserve forgiveness.
Free to care for the weak. Free to pass the faith on to the
next generation. And most
importantly—free from sin, free from death, and free from hell.
This is the truth that sets you free: Christ
died for you on the cross and rose again on the third day, that you might have forgiveness,
salvation, and eternal life.
This is the truth that sets you free: He
who believes and is baptized shall be saved. Christ has set you free in
the waters of your baptism, delivering His salvation to you in the font.
Other people say that nothing happens in that water—but you know that the
Scriptures say that in that font Jesus saved you by delivering the cross to you,
that God adopted you as His child there by that water and Word.
This is the truth that sets you free: Take
eat, this is My body which is given for you. Take drink, this is My blood
shed for you for the remission of sins.
Jesus gives you His cross, His salvation, His forgiveness, His life—there
in His very Body and Blood given for you to eat and drink.
This is the truth that sets you
free: Almighty God in His mercy has given His Son to die for you and for
His sake forgives you all your sins. As
a called and ordained servant of Christ, and by His authority, I therefore forgive
you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.