Just Jesus?
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Jesus Unrolls the Book in the Synagogue - James Tissot |
The text for this Sixth Sunday after Pentecost is
Mark 6:1-13.
Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God the Father
and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
As usual, St. Mark gets
right to business. He tells us that
right after healing the woman of a 12-year hemorrhage and raising a little girl
from the dead in Capernaum, Jesus returns “to His hometown” (Nazareth) with His
It is not a family
visit or social call, a chance to renew old acquaintances and catch up with the
homefolks. Jesus returns as a
rabbi. And so that Sabbath, He can be
found teaching in the synagogue. The
worshipers all know Him well. He comes
to share the Gospel with them. But the
question is: Are they ready to receive the Gospel from Him? Or perhaps better stated: “Are they ready to
receive Him as the one who embodies the Gospel in His person and ministry?”
Unlike Luke’s account
(4:16-30), St. Mark doesn’t give us any details about what Jesus preached. He focuses, rather, on the reaction of the
townspeople. “Many who heard Him were
astonished, saying, ‘Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom given to Him? How are such mighty works done by His hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and
brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon?
Are not His sisters here with us?’”
Translation: It’s just
Jesus, nobody special. We remember Him
when He was toddling around town. We
watched Him as He went about His daily woodworking. He might be doing some special things, but He’s
nobody special. Certainly not any
better than we are. Who is He to act
like this? Who is He to put on airs? Who is He to be speaking to us this way?
But there’s even more
than merely “the hometown boy makes good” jealousy or the “familiarity breeds
contempt” thing going on here. St. Luke
tells us they drove Him out of town… so they could throw Him down the
cliff. St. Mark tells us why: “They took
offense at Him.”
“They took offense at
Him.” These words are a warning to all
Christians, including (perhaps especially)
the one who is preaching to you. The
warning is this: God does not intend for preaching to compliment you. Preaching is not meant to tell you how well you
are doing. Preaching should not be done
to entertain you. Preaching is not meant
as a pep talk or even for teaching you how to be a better person. Preaching has but one purpose, and that one
purpose is to focus your eyes and ears and heart on Christ Jesus and Him
alone. Just Jesus… that’s ultimately who
you should hear and see when God’s Word is proclaimed to you.
Now, in order for God
to give you a good picture of your Lord Jesus Christ, He must first show you a
bad picture of yourself—that is, a true, accurate, though unflattering picture
of you and your sin. In order for you to
receive a good, healthy dose of the doctor’s medicine, you must first become
aware of your disease. In order to
swallow that bitter pill that brings healing, you must first be made aware and
accept the deadly seriousness of your condition. In order for you to benefit from the
forgiveness that Jesus earned for you through His death on the cross, God must
first proclaim His holy Law to diagnose and warn you about your continual need
for forgiveness because sin and death live within you. The people of Jesus’ hometown took offense
because they did not want to hear such things.
That is really where
things fell apart at Nazareth. Jesus “came to His hometown… and on the
Sabbath He began to teach in the synagogue.”
Everything was fine up until then.
Then, as we find out in St. Luke’s account, Jesus starts preaching about
Jesus. Just Jesus. And “they took offense at Him.” They
were scandalized because of Jesus and the Gospel.
You and I both should
take a clear warning from this. May God
guard us against such unbelief and self-centered scandal! May we allow our Lord Jesus Christ to say
what He must say about us—our sin, so that we might focus on Him—our
Savior. So that we might repent of our
sinful ways and continue to receive the gifts of salvation and life that come
only from Him—just Jesus.
The second warning of
today’s Gospel is this: a personal relationship with Jesus will do you very
little good. I know, that sounds
shocking given today’s religious environment.
All the time you hear Christians saying, “You must have a personal
relationship with Jesus” if you are to be saved. But a personal relationship with Jesus, in
and of itself, will not save you.
Let me explain. I think the text makes it clear that most
everyone in the little town of Nazareth
assumed they had a personal relationship with Jesus. They’d seen Him grow up. They knew His family—mother, four brothers,
and sisters. They even knew Him as an
adult when He plied His trade as “the carpenter.” Yet they took offense at Him.
This is another serious
warning, not only for us but also for many of our loved ones and neighbors who find
it unimportant to come to worship! Our
text does not emphasize knowing who Jesus is or even having a personal
relationship with Him. It does emphasize
that we hear the words of Jesus and believe.
A simple claim to know Jesus or a claim to have personal relationship
with Jesus might place you in danger of the fires of Hell. Even the demons knew Jesus. And so, it seems, did everyone in Nazareth. Yet “[Jesus] marveled at their
No, salvation is not
based upon a personal relationship with Jesus, but rather faith given by the
Holy Spirit through the Word. “Whoever
believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be
condemned,” Jesus promises in Mark 16:16.
Believe in what or whom? In
Jesus. Just Jesus. Christ alone, and Him crucified.
Jesus explained this Gospel
to Nicodemus: “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son
of Man be lifted up, that whoever believe in Him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that He gave His
only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal
life. For God did not send His Son into
the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved
through Him.” (John 3:14-17).
It’s hard to believe,
isn’t it? The foolishness of unbelief,
the disregard for things we consider common.
There stands the eternal Son of God, present with His people and
speaking His powerful Word, and to them He’s just Jesus—no one special. How could they do such a thing? After all, they’d heard of His marvelous
teachings and miraculous powers—even the power over disease and death. You’d think they’d prepare for His coming, and
that when He arrived they’d show Him the honor and reverence that is due to
Him. You would think that they would
receive Him as Savior with open arms and listen to Him and believe.
But then again, the Old
Adam makes belief very hard, and we must take care or we will fall into the
same trap. And if we have so fallen,
then it is time for us to repent. You
see, the Lord is here, too. Not just
“spiritually present” as so many churches teach. The Lord is as really present here as
He was in that synagogue in His hometown.
There, He cloaked His godhood in flesh and blood. Now He hides both His divine and human
natures to visit you in His means of grace.
You’ve heard of this
miracle and mystery many-a-Sunday before this one. By means of Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution,
and Holy Communion, the holy Lord Jesus Christ is wholly present here with
you. Furthermore, He is present for your
good. He speaks His Word of grace and
life to you. He forgives your sins for
an awesome purpose. He desires that you
have eternal life with Him in heaven.
That is why He died on the cross.
That is why He comes to you in His means of grace. And that is why He is present here. The Son of God is here. To save you.
Now the question I lay
before you is this: What kind of welcome will He receive? All over, as people got up for church this
morning, Old Adam got up with them.
Among the discouragements that Old Adam whispered were these: “It’s
going to be really hot in there, and the sermon is going to take a long time. If we’ve got Communion, it’s going to take
even longer. And we’ll be singing the
same old liturgy again. It’s the same
stuff that we do every week, nothing special.”
The Old Adam whispers
all of these things to all of us—maybe not this Sunday, but then some Sunday
soon. He does so for a reason. Old Adam doesn’t want us to rejoice that
Jesus is here. Because, you see, Jesus is here. He is present in these things. In Holy Baptism, He placed His name upon you
and wrote your name in the Book of Life.
As you hear His word proclaimed and sing His Word in the liturgy, He is
working through that Word to give you grace.
As you receive His Supper, He shares His very body and blood for the
forgiveness of your sins.
Miraculous things are
going on here—miracles far greater than healed hemorrhages and stilled storms,
even greater than little girls brought back to life—because these miracles give
you life forever—eternal life in the presence of God. And yet, when the Old Adam prevails, we
approach these things with a sense of apathy and boredom, unhappy with the same
old Jesus. Perhaps, even offended?
To illustrate the
sadness of this sin, consider this. You
know that the car needs gasoline to get you places, and it’s the same routine
each time. Pull up to the pump and stop
the motor. Slide the debit card and pump
the gas. Put the nozzle and the cap back
in their places. Understanding the necessity
of fuel, are you ever tempted to look for an alternative source of power for
your car? One might consider medical
procedures as well, say dialysis or chemotherapy. These are not enjoyable treatments, but those
who undergo them understand the need. They
submit to the same treatment repeatedly, despite the inconvenience and side
effects—even if it’s the same again and again.
Now, we need
forgiveness repeatedly because daily we sin much. The Lord gathers us here to give us
forgiveness and eternal life, and He has prescribed His Word and Sacraments to
get the job done. Yet it is so tempting
to approach this ongoing feast of forgiveness with the idea that it’s just
Jesus, nothing special.
If this is true, it’s
because your sinful nature is hard at work.
Your Old Adam doesn’t care if you trust in gasoline to get around. And he is unconcerned that you might follow
medical treatments. You see, none of
these things destroy him and give you eternal life. But forgiveness does, and so the Old
Adam works hard to make it seem like just forgiveness, nothing special.
So what is the
problem? Thanks to that sinful nature,
it’s easy not to see how much we need forgiveness. After all, we make use of medicine and
gasoline because we see the need for these things. Could it be that we are tempted to take our
Lord’s presence for granted because we don’t really see the need for
forgiveness? Because we don’t really see
how terribly sinful we are before God?
So I ask you: Did you
come here today excited to be visited by the Son of God Himself? Do you make your way here with at least as
much enthusiasm as you would to a reunion with an old, dear friend? Do you come enthusiastically into the Lord’s
presence—as eagerly as you ought?
The answer is no. Burdened by sin, none of us can honestly say
“yes” in this life. Why? Is it that the Lord has changed and is no
longer as holy, glorious, or merciful?
No. He remains the same. The trouble is with us, plagued by sin and
all sorts of afflictions that prevent us from rejoicing as we ought.
If we do not appreciate
our Lord’s visit, it is not that the Gospel has changed; rather, it may well be
that we have failed to hear the Law that shows us how much we need
forgiveness. Bogged down and burdened
for one reason or another, and denying how sinful we really are, it is easy to
come to church and say, “It’s just Jesus, nothing special.”
This is proof we are
sick with sin, and this is confirmed by God’s Word. But if you realize you are sick with sin,
then take comfort. Remember, it was the
sick in the Gospel lesson who were healed.
It was those who didn’t trust in themselves, but confessed their
weakness and trusted in Jesus who were healed.
So, here is the Good
News. No matter what frame of mind was
yours as you came here this morning, the Lord is here—as faithful as
always. He remains more than “just Jesus
and nothing special.” He gathers you
here to forgive your sins, to strengthen and preserve you in the one true faith
unto life everlasting. He removes your
guilt from you, for He has died for your sins already.
How powerful is His
grace? Consider someone who drags
himself in with little eagerness to meet the Lord, and who departs with no more
emotional or physical energy than when he arrived. Nevertheless, he hears the Word and receives
the Lord’s Supper. And as he goes, he
can say, “Even though my body denies it with every step, the Lord came to visit
me today. And although I feel no
different, He has removed my sin and strengthened my faith. He will preserve me in that faith until the
day He raises me from the dead. Then, fully
released from the bonds of sin and death I will be properly joyful at His
presence with me.”
Take heart, dear
friends. The Lord is here to forgive
your sins. Jesus is in fact the holy Son
of God, fully divine, infinitely and eternally powerful and merciful. He is also fully human, who became flesh and
died for your sins. Today, He visits you
by His Word and Sacrament; and though your Old Adam may say He’s just Jesus and
no one special, your faith rejoices to receive Him and to hear Him speak this
Good News through His called and ordained servant: I forgive for all of your
sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now may the peace of God that passes all
understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life
everlasting. Amen.