They Spoke Well of Him and Drove Him Out of Town
Click this link to listen to an audio version of this message. Jesus Unrolls the Book in the Synagogue by James Tissot The text for today is our Gospel, Luke 4:16-30, which has already been read. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We have in our assigned readings for today examples of one of the longest sermons in Scripture and the shortest. Ezra reads the Book of the Law of Moses “from early morning until mid-day”—a period of about six hours. Jesus reads two verses of Isaiah and preaches a one sentence sermon. When Ezra finishes, the people bow their heads and worship the Lord with their faces to the ground. When the people in the synagogue hear all Jesus has to say, they are filled with wrath, rise up, and drive Him out of town, so that they can throw Him down the cliff. It would seem that in ancient days the longer the sermon, the better it is received by the hearers. But I somehow suspect that would...