Life Breathed into Dry Bones
The Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones Gustave Dore The text for this Day of Pentecost is our Old Testament lesson, Ezekiel 37:1-14, which has already been read. Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It sounds almost like a scene out of one of my favorite movies, The Sixth Sense. The young man talks to his counselor, a ghost. “I see dead people.” “In your dreams?” “No.” “While you’re awake.” “Yes.” “Dead people like, in graves? In coffins? “No, they’re in a valley, a valley of bones. Dry bones. Long dead and completely lifeless bones.” But this is not a Hollywood movie; it is a biblical account. The young man who sees dead people is the thirty-year-old prophet, Elijah. And the Counselor with whom he speaks is the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of the Lord, who has brought Elijah to this valley. And the “dead people,” “the dry bones,” that Elijah sees are the Israelit...