The Abominations in My Heart and the Wisdom of God
I read the following quote from John Bunyan in my devotion today from Treasury of Daily Prayer (Concordia Publishing House). What a wonderful reflection for this Lenten season of repentance! "I find to this day seven abominations in my heart: (1) An inclination to unbelief. (2) Suddenly forgetting the love and mercy that Christ shows us. (3) A leaning to the works of the Law. (4) Wanderings and coldness in the Law. (5) Forgetting to watch for that which I have prayed for. (6) A tendency to murmur because I have no more, and yet a willingness to abuse what I have. (7) I can do none of those things which God commands me, but my corruptions will thrust themselves upon me so that “When I would do good, evil is present with me.” These things I continually see and feel and am afflicted and oppressed with; yet the wisdom of God orders them for my good. (1) They make me abhor myself. (2) They keep me from trusting my heart. (...