David's Son Is David's Lord
The text for this morning is our Gospel, Matthew 22:34-46, which has already been read. Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I’m sure you’ve heard speakers or teachers who are trying to encourage discussion say: “There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” I must disagree. Just try asking one of them a stupid question, and watch their reaction. If not by their words, you’ll see by their facial expression or body language how even they don’t believe such nonsense. No, not all questions are created equal. If you’ve sat in on enough question and answer sessions, you know this is true. Most people won’t ask any questions in a large group setting for fear of looking foolish. So when someone asks a good question, there is an almost audible sigh: “I was hoping someone would ask that question!” Or “I’m glad they asked that question! I had never considered that id...